
  • 网络material need;material necessities
  1. 要求子女从物质需要和精神享受上赡养老人。

    On the other side , it also demands offspring to support older generation both in material need and spiritual enjoyment .

  2. 随着社会的发展及文明的进步,越来越多的文职人员不仅满足于物质需要,更注重心理需求。

    With the development of the society and the progression of the civilization , more and more civilian personnel not only be satisfied with the material need , but also pay more attention on the psychological need .

  3. 这种物质需要多长时间来盐析?

    How long will the substance take to salt out ?

  4. 她太穷了,无法满足家人的物质需要。

    She is too poor to satisfy her family 's material needs .

  5. 尽管在20世纪80年代,多氯联苯已被禁用,但这种化学物质需要很长时间才会分解,而且会滞留在海洋中,在鲸鱼、海豚和鼠海豚的鲸脂中积聚。

    They were banned in the 1980s , but the chemicals take a long time to break down and can linger in the oceans , accumulating in the blubber of whales , dolphins and porpoises1 .

  6. “她不太注意物质需要”William说,她是她的律师及朋友。

    " She did not have the material needs that other people have ," said William Marlatt , her attorney and longtime friend .

  7. 每生产1t有机物质需要这5种元素约9.41~12.19kg(hm2·a);

    The net organic production per ton needs these five elements of 9.41 ~ 12.19 ? kg / ( hm 2 · a ) .

  8. 板栗林生态系统每积累1t干物质需要5种养分元素总量7.17kg,其中对Ca元素的需求量最大,P的最小。

    The net production of organic of forest per ton needs a total five elements of 7.17 kg , and the Ca element amount is the biggest , and the P is the smallest among the five nutrient elements .

  9. 关于中国水产养殖动物对营养物质需要量的研究

    A review : nutrient requirement of aquatic animals cultivated in China

  10. 为中国矿工的属灵需要和物质需要祷告。

    Pray for the spiritual and physical needs of Chinas miners .

  11. 它根源于物质需要和功利性意识行为。

    It roots from substantial need and utilitarian sense activity .

  12. 铀物质需要的是核反应堆燃料。

    Uranium is the substance which is needed to fuel nuclear reactors .

  13. 她太穷了,没办法满足她家里的物质需要。

    She 's too poor to satisfy her family 's material needs .

  14. 正确认识物质需要与精神需要的关系及其意义

    Have a Correct Understanding of the Relation between Material Needs and Spiritual Ones

  15. 其三是原来的京师地区不足以负担京城的各项物质需要。

    The original areas around the capitals couldn 't provide enough material necessities for the capitals .

  16. 人作为社会性的生命,不仅具有物质需要,也具有精神文化需要。

    Mankind as social life has not only material needs , but also spiritual and cultural needs .

  17. 在目前阶段,国有企业技术人才的需要仍以物质需要为主。

    At now stage , the matter need is still main need of qualified in state-owned enterprises .

  18. 在英国医院中照顾病人的社会和物质需要的公务员。

    An official in a British hospital who looks after the social and material needs of the patients .

  19. 除去对黑暗的物质需要,科学家声称,观察不能够被地心引力的理论解释。

    They say the observations cannot be explained by theories of gravity that remove the need for dark matter .

  20. 指出城市环境建设不仅要满足人的物质需要,还要满足人的精神需要。

    The construction of urban environment should not only satisfy humansmaterial needs , but also to fulfillhumans mental demands .

  21. 社会转型期的教师有迫切的物质需要、强烈的关系需要和很高的成就需要。

    At the changing phase , teachers have urgent material needs , strong relative needs and high achievement needs .

  22. 欲望越出物质需要层面成为消费社会的核心逻辑,责任伦理与信念伦理遭到异化,90年代以来,官场小说创作日益演化为权欲能指的反复叙事。

    Desire is the essential logic in the consumption society . The duty_ethics and the faith_ethics have been catabolized .

  23. 经济学的目的主要是满足人的物质需要和精神需要。

    The purpose of the study on economics is to meet the demand of people 's material and spiritual pursuits .

  24. 在现代工业社会,人们在满足物质需要的同时,引起的是自然环境的恶化和精神世界的贫乏,人与自然之间存在着对立的关系,人与人之间也以物的依赖为基础。

    In industrialized society , human being has destroyed environment for their demand . The relations between human and nature are opposite .

  25. 现代消费已经远远超越了对商品使用价值的诉求,消费者购买某种商品不单单是为了满足物质需要,更重要的是满足他们的心理需要,实现商品本身所体现出来的符号意义。

    Modern consumption is not for realizing the service value of goods . Consumers purchase a commodity not to meet the material needs .

  26. 当人们日益增长的物质需要能逐渐被满足的时候,那么就需要更多的精神文化来充实自己。

    When people are gradually meet because of the growing demand for material , they will need more spiritual culture to enrich themselves .

  27. 而且这些化学物质需要在蝗虫处于孤单状态的时候使用,而那时候它们是分布在广阔土地上的稀疏目标。

    And they would have to be applied during the locusts'solitary phase , when they are scarce targets across vast expanses of land .

  28. 必须正确认识物质需要与精神需要的关系,推进物质文明和精神文明的全面进步;

    To know the relation that the material needs with spiritual needs correctly , to advance the progressing all-sidedly material progress and spiritual civilization ;

  29. 根据人们对物质需要的无限性、阶段性特点,做好深入细致的思想政治工作;

    We should conduct thoroughgoing and painstaking ideological and political work , simultaneously , meeting the needs of people 's material and culture life .

  30. 人类消费的注意力将会从物质需要转移到精神需要,并从科学技术转移到逸闻趣事和情感。

    People consume attention will transfer from the material needs to the spiritual needs , from science and technology transfer to the emotional and anecdote .