
  • 网络adsorption coprecipitation
  1. 同时对共沉淀机理进行了初步的探讨,结果表明其属于吸附共沉淀类型。

    The coprecipitation mechanism was also studied , the results showed that the process belongs to the adsorption coprecipitation .

  2. 重点讨论了铬(Ⅲ)浓度,PFS用量、干扰离子和溶液pH值对吸附共沉淀的影响,及吸附的最隹工艺条件。

    The discussion centred on the effect of Cr (ⅲ) Concentration . PFS Concentration , disturbing ions . and PH in Solution of adsorption , and Optimum technical Conditions .

  3. 本文就这一方法在贵金属分离中的应用进行了综述,附带也述及了微晶萘的吸附共沉淀。全文共分四大部分:①固态萃取的方法;

    The separation method in volving adsorption co-precipitation by microcry-stalline naphthalene is also included .

  4. 并对其除铀机理进行了探讨,证明除铀主要是以软化水过程中产生的氢氧化镁表面吸附共沉淀机理进行的。

    The mechanism of removing uranium was discussed , and the " adsorption codeposition " mechanism was given .

  5. 酸化过程早期,铝铁胶体吸附共沉淀导致重金属溶出量增长不明显甚至下降;

    At the beginning of acidification , the dissolved proportion of heavy metals from soils increased slowly or even decreased slightly due to adsorption and co-deposition of Al and Fe colloids .

  6. 作用根据实验研究,提出了半导体生产废水处理的氯酸钠化学氧化法和硫酸铝吸附共沉淀法,并说明了有关处理条件。

    Based on experimental research , the author recommends the chemical oxidation with sodium chlorate and the adsorption precipitation with aluminium sulfate for the wastewater treatment of semiconductor factory . Some treatment conditions are put forward .

  7. 砷的形态变化表明,硫化亚铁处理含砷废水能取得良好的效果,是沉淀、沉淀转化、氧化还原、吸附共沉淀和中和五种反应共同作用的结果。

    The changes of arsenic forms indicate that the good effect of the treatment of arsenic wastewater with FeS is due to five coexisting reactions , i. e. precipitation , precipitation conversion , oxidation-reduction , adsorption precipitate and neutralization .

  8. 土壤中砷主要以无机态的形式存在,并主要为Al、Fe、Ca等所吸附而产生共沉淀,水溶态的砷含量一般小于总砷的5%。

    Inorganic arsenic has been identified as the main species in soils , mostly co-precipitate with Al , Fe and Ca , and solute arsenic is less than 5 % in most cases .

  9. 组分中的大量非晶质体主要是由水体中重金属离子形成氢氧化物胶体吸附沉淀、共沉淀而成。

    Substantial component in the amorphous mainly heavy metal ions are formed by water adsorption of colloidal hydroxide precipitation , by co-precipitation .

  10. 通过电化学氧化还原反应、置换还原反应、物理吸附以及絮凝共沉淀等诸多因素的协同作用,将络合态铜离子解离去除,铜总去除率可达99.6%。

    The dissociation and removal of complex copper ion could be a cooperation of various factors , including electrochemical oxidation and reduction , displacement reaction , physical adsorption and flocculation , etc . The total removal rate could reach 99.6 % .

  11. 包括:(1)吸附(离子交换、专性吸附、共沉淀和表面络合);

    Those included : ( 1 ) adsorption ( ion exchange , specific adsorption , co - precipitation , surface complexation ) .

  12. 吸附率均在97%以上,说明铁离子的存在确实对砷有吸附和共沉淀的作用。

    Absorption rate of more than 97 % indicating the existence of iron ions has indeed arsenic adsorption and the role of co-precipitation .