
  • 网络absorption frequency
  1. 各谱线大气衰减系数的实验值和相应的计算值之间存在着不同程度的差异,是由于水汽的共振吸收频率和激光发射频率之间的差异以及计算时采用Lorentz线型所引起的。

    There are some differences between experimental value and calculated value for the laser lines atmospheric attenuation coefficients due to the difference between resonance absorption frequency of water vapor and laser emission frequency and the use of Lorentz line profile in the calculation .

  2. EDTA淋洗和未淋洗土壤的FT-IR谱图表明种植植物的土壤在官能团区强度明显减弱,而在指纹区各不同处理均没有产生新的特征吸收频率,但强度有明显改变。

    EDTA leaching of soil leaching and non-FT-IR spectra shows that the cultivation of plant functional groups in the area of soil strength was significantly weakened , and in the fingerprint area of the different treatments did not produce a new characteristic absorption frequency , but the intensity changed significantly .

  3. 结果表明,在玻璃化转变区域材料的吸声系数较高,PEMA和PVC均具有特征吸收频率。

    The results showed that the sound absorption coefficient of the materials exhibited a higher value in its glass transition region due to the more sound energy lost by converting it into the heat energy .

  4. 近场射频辐射条件下大白鼠共振吸收频率的研究

    The Resonant Absorption Frequency of White Rats in Near Field of RF Radiation

  5. 结果发现不同产地的苹果红外吸收频率、相对强度存在一些差异。

    Result : There are some differences between absorption frequency and relative intensity .

  6. 应力作用下聚丙烯薄膜红外吸收频率的位移

    Infrared frequency shifts in stressed polypropylene films

  7. 分子能吸收频率在紫外和可见光区的电磁辐射。

    Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the ultraviolet and visible region can be absorbed by molecules .

  8. 对透射波的信号进行了处理,得出裂纹深度和吸收频率的对应关系。

    And then , on the basis of spectral analysis to the transmission signal to obtain the relationship between slot depth and the absorption frequency .

  9. 这就可能制造出新型的交叉调制器,一束有特定吸收频率的激光能打开或关闭其它的光。

    This opens the possibility of a new type of cross modulation , where a beam of light at one of the absorption frequencies can turn on or off the light of the other .

  10. 有机化合物分子对红外光吸收频率和振动强度决定于功能团化学键的力常数,力常数与分子中电子分布有关。

    The infra-red absorption frequency and the vibration strength of an organic molecule depend on the force constant of its specific chemical bond , while the force constant concerns the way in which the electrons are distributed in the molecule .

  11. 谱带强度与苯在这些溶液中的吸收频率共振因子成正比关系,从介质对电子吸收谱带的扰动观点以共振联合散射效应讨论了实验结果。

    The relationship between the band intensities and the resonance frequency factors of benzene in the solutions is also linear . The experimental results are discussed from the point of view of perturbation of the medium on the electronic absorption band .

  12. 特别的是雪更能吸收高频率的声波。

    Specifically , snow tends to absorb higher frequency acoustical .

  13. 多光程吸收的频率调制光谱

    Multi-pass Absorption FM Spectroscopy

  14. 它们的区别在于,硅光电池是直接将光能转换为电能的,即受硅的物理性质限制,它只能吸收特定频率的光。

    The difference is that in the case of silicon cells , this conversion happens directly . That means the frequency of light absorbed is constrained by the physical properties of silicon itself .

  15. 样品介电吸收峰频率位置的这种可逆变化表明:非均匀电介质中的界面极化效应在保持连续相不变时,受分散相颗粒表面层物质的组成和结构的影响很大。

    The reversible change of log fmax showed that the interface polarization effect in the heterogeneous dielectric was affected mainly by the composition and structure of the surface region of the grains in the dispersive phase if the continuous phase was fixed .

  16. 给出了T型吸收电路的频率特性表达式及计算机对其幅频特性的模拟结果,并与简单LC串联电路的特性进行了比较。

    The expression of the frequency characteristic of the T absorbing circuit is given in this paper , and the calculated result of the amplitude frequency characteristic based on computer is given , too .

  17. 我们还研究了相界两侧磁共振吸收线的频率变化。

    The frequency shifts of magnetic resonance lines brought about by phase changes are also studied .

  18. 在测量非线性折射率和双光子吸收系数的频率分辨双光束耦合抽运探测技术中,光场的空间分布没有得到考虑。

    The effects of spatial distribution on the experimental results are studied in spectrally resolved two-beam coupling pump-probe technique .

  19. 利用多光子吸收过程实现频率上转换的激光发射在光电子学特别是生物光子学领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Frequency up-converted lasing pumped by the process of multi-photon absorption is promising for the myriad applications in biomedical optics .

  20. 从麦克斯韦方程组出发,得到补偿吸收衰减的频率-波数域波场外推算子。

    Wavefield extrapolation operators in wavenumber-frequency domain with absorption compensation based on Maxwell Equation for forward propagations with attenuation are obtained .

  21. 实验表明超声吸收衰减系数随频率f增大而增大,也随SiC体积比的增大而增大。

    The value of absorbing attenuation coefficient increases with increasing of volume fraction of SiC and frequency f.

  22. 为了消除边界反射,将ClaytonEngquist旁轴波动方程吸收边界条件引入频率域,并对有限元刚度矩阵和质量矩阵进行压缩存储,利用广义共轭梯度法求解有限元方程获得正演解。

    In order to eliminate boundary reflection , the absorbing boundary conditions of Clayton Engquist paraxial wave equation are introduced to frequency domain . The stiffness matrix and mass matrix of finite element are compressed for storing . The forward solutions are obtained by using conjugate gradient algorithm .

  23. 在属低频范围内,三种介质的吸收系数随测试频率的增高成平方关系;

    The absorption coefficients of three media increases quadratically with the increase of test frequency ;

  24. 这意味着被吸收的光的频率将受限于硅自身的物理性质。

    That means the frequency of light absorbed is constrained by the physical properties of silicon itself .

  25. 稍微改变一下这种染料的成分,就可以让它吸收另一种频率的光。

    Tinker with the composition of this dye and you change the frequency of light that can be captured .

  26. 研究了雷达吸波涂层对宽频段雷达表面波衰减吸收的规律以及频率选择表面与吸波涂层相结合的复合吸波涂层对宽频段表面波衰减吸收的规律。

    Characteristics of attenuating and absorbing of super wideband radar surface wave by means of radar absorbing coatings as well as radar absorbing coatings combined with frequency selective surfaces are studied and then reported here .

  27. 测定了4-硝基二苯乙烯系列6个化合物在14种有机溶剂中的紫外吸收光谱,其最大吸收频率与Hammett取代基常数之间存在良好的线性关系。

    In this paper , the purple spectrum of 6 compounds of 4-nitro-distyrenes in 14 kinds of organic solvents is determined . Good linear relations exist among the highest absorbing frequency and Hammett replace base constants .

  28. 研究了Cu:CaF2复合膜的红外光吸收与金属团簇结构之间的关系,结果表明Cu金属的表面等离子体共振吸收频率明显依赖Cu团族的大小。

    The absorption properties of Cu : CaF2 films relating to Cu cluster structure have been presented in this paper . It is shown that the resonance frequency depends on cluster size obviously .

  29. 空气中氟靶物(包括气氟与尘氟)经呼吸道的吸收率均值为60.9%,95%可信区间为52.5~69.3%,并且该吸收率与呼吸频率呈负相关;

    The percentage of atmospheric fluoride ( including that of gaseous and particulate forms ) absorbed by respiratory tract was 60.9 % ( with a 95 % confidence region of 57.5-69.3 % ) . It was negatively correlated to frequency of breath .