
duō xiànɡ fǎn yìnɡ
  • heterogeneous reaction
  1. 流化床燃烧温度下N2O与石油焦焦炭多相反应动力学的热重研究

    Thermogravimetric studies on the heterogeneous reaction kinetics of petroleum coke char with nitrous oxide under temperature range of fluidized bed

  2. TG法对硼酸盐系氯化钾热化学分解循环中多相反应动力学研究

    A Kinetic Study on a Heterogeneous Reaction in The Thermochemical Decomposition Cycle of Potassium Chloride of Borate system by TG Method

  3. 在GSH体系中,30min内NO释放呈多相反应。

    In GSH system , NO releasing appeared multiple phase reaction within 30 min.

  4. 同时,NO与焦炭表面的多相反应也是N2O的一条生成途径。

    At the same time the multi-phase reaction of NO and coke surface is also a kind of generation path of N_2O .

  5. 此时燃烧速率取决于表面两个多相反应和空间气相反应.随着Dg降低,燃烧率下降;

    By lowering D g , the flame becomes thick and the position of the flame shifts away . The burning rate depends on both heterogeneous reactions and homogeneous reaction , and it is reduced when D g decreases .

  6. 然后,基于多相反应的宏观动力学理论分析了XD反应的动力学过程,讨论了反应剂的尺寸和高温冶金微区的形成对合成反应的影响。

    Kinetic process of the XD reaction was analyzed by using macro kinetics theory of multiphase reaction , and size of the reactants and high temperature metallurgical micro region on the kinetic process were mainly discussed .

  7. 用液-固多相反应的收缩未反应核模型研究了在HCl-NaCl浸出铅锑合金氧化吹炼渣过程中锑的浸出动力学。

    The kinetics of antimony leaching from oxidizing-converting slag of Pb-Sb alloy by HCl-NaCl was approached using the shrinking unreacted core model for the reaction of liquid ? solid .

  8. 本文应用过滤基本方程式、多相反应传质方程、分子筛交换机理等,分析了在DASY分子筛生产中影响真空带式滤机过滤和交换的因素,优化了带机的操作条件。

    The paper discusses various factors which can affect DASY zeolites filtration and exchange by using filtration basic equation , mass transfer equation of heterogeneous reaction and zeolite exchange mechanisms in the production of DASY with vacuum belt filter , finally optimizes the belt filter 's operation conditions .

  9. 概论多相反应系统的开发与设计

    Brief review of the development and design of multiphase reaction systems

  10. 物理扩散为该多相反应的控制步骤。

    Physical process is the rate-determining step of the heterogeneous reaction .

  11. SO2与铁氧化物多相反应对粒子光学特性的影响

    Impacts of SO_2 Heterogeneous Reactions with Iron Oxides on Particle Optical Properties

  12. 本文讨论气体&金属固体间多相反应的速度控制环节。

    The present paper discusses the rate-controlling of the gas-solid metal reaction .

  13. 纳米氧化铜的粒度对多相反应动力学参数的影响

    Effect of Particle Size on Kinetic Parameters of Heterogeneous Reactions

  14. 因此,对结构化多相反应器进行深入的研究具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is significant to thoroughly study multiphase monolithic reactors .

  15. 燃煤固体产物中含钙矿物的迁移与多相反应

    Transportation and heterogeneous reactions of calcium containing minerals in coal combustion solid residues

  16. 多相反应色谱,即多个流动相且伴随化学反应的色谱过程。

    Multiphase reactive chromatography is a chromatographic process with multi-mobile phases and chemical reactions .

  17. 多相反应器中压力波动信号的非线性分析

    Nonlinear Analysis of Pressure Fluctuation in Multi-Phase Reactors

  18. 电动势法测量多相反应体系热力学函数的问题与思考

    Problems and Pondering in EMF Methods for Measuring Thermodynamic Functions of Multiphase Reaction System

  19. 多相反应色谱过程的数学模拟

    Mathematical Simulation of Multiphase Reactive Chromatographic Process

  20. 分形理论在多相反应中的应用及展望&多尺度、不规则系统的表征

    Fractal analysis in heterogeneous reactions and its prospects & characterization of multi-scale and irregular systems

  21. DS-多相反应器&新型二氧化硫烟气湿法脱硫吸收设备

    DS - multi - phase reactor

  22. 冶金多相反应器内分散相在湍流连续相中的运动特性研究

    A Study on the Movement Characteristic of Dispersed Phase in Turbulent Continuous Phase in Multiphase Metallurgical Reactor

  23. 羰基硫与大气气溶胶典型氧化物的多相反应机理研究乙醇气相氧化羰化合成碳酸二乙酯Ι.催化剂的制备及反应性能

    Synthesis of diethyl carbonate by vapor phase oxidative carbonylation of ethanol Ι . Preparation of catalysts and reaction performance

  24. 为了提高纤维素对试剂的可及度及反应性能,在进行多相反应之前,纤维素材料通常要经历溶胀或活化处理。

    As a heterogeneous reaction , some activating treatments are necessary to improve the accessibility and reactivity of cellulose .

  25. 喷射型环流反应器是一种新型的多相反应器,它具有较好的传热、传质和混合特性。

    The jet-loop reactors are a kind of multiphase reactors with high heat and mass transfer rates , and well mixing effects .

  26. 大气颗粒物与大气化学成分的多相反应这一课题属于前沿课题。

    In this thesis , the heterogeneous reactions of SO_2 with oxides , atmospheric particles and mixtures were studied in the presence of oxygen .

  27. 对环流反应器在多相反应过程中的应用前景进行了评述。

    For industrial design of airlift loop reactor well understanding the reactor hydrodynamics , characteristics of reacting system , and reaction kinetics is important .

  28. 气雾两相流瞬态传质现象广泛存在于多相反应器、燃烧、空气污染物控制和大气运动等化工、环境和气溶胶科学领域。

    Instantaneous mass transfer of gas-microdroplet two-phase flow is one of the most important procedures in the field of chemical engineering , colloid science and environment science .

  29. 论述了气-液、气-液-固三相淤浆床及涡流床、气-固相固定床、气-固相流化床等多相反应系统的工业应用。

    He industrial applications of multiphase reaction systems , such as gas-liquid , gas-solid-liquid slur-ry bed and trickle bed , gas-solid fixed bed , gas-solid fluidized bed , etc.

  30. 方法用激光溅射多相反应体系,以石墨为固体靶,以四氯化碳为气相和液相反应物,通过等离子体反应进行合成。

    Metheds By laser ablating a heteroge-neous reaction system which was consisted of solid graphite , liquid and gaseous tetrachloromethane , synthesis was carried out by plasma reaction .