
  • 网络Doppler log;DVL
  1. 论文首先介绍了捷联式惯性导航系统、GPS导航系统和多普勒计程仪的基本原理及各自特点,并建立了捷联惯性导航系统的非线性误差模型。

    Firstly , the paper introduced the basic theory and characteristics of the Strapdown Inertial Navigation System ( SINS ), the GPS , and the DVL system .

  2. 相控阵多普勒计程仪的相控波束接收方案

    Phased beam receiving scheme for phased Doppler log

  3. 利用捷联惯导(SINS)、GPS定位系统和多普勒计程仪(DVL)进行组合导航是水下运载器导航定位的有效方式。

    It is an effective way in integrated navigation by using Strapdown Inertial Navigation System ( SINS ), GPS and Doppler Velocity Log ( DVL ) .

  4. 传感器安装误差在声学多普勒计程仪中的校准

    Calibration of transducer 's installation error for acoustic Doppler velocity log

  5. 文章介绍多普勒计程仪测速精度的两种测定方法,实时法与准实时法。

    Two speed-precision measurement methods , real-time and quasi-real-time method , are described .

  6. 相控阵多普勒计程仪声基阵输出信号模型

    Output signal model of the acoustic array for phased - array doppler log

  7. 多普勒计程仪速度参照系统的误差分析

    Error analysis of speed reference system for ADL

  8. 高频多普勒计程仪研究设计

    Design of High Frequency Doppler Log

  9. 多普勒计程仪某些误差的分析

    Analysis of Errors from Doppler Log

  10. 本文从基阵理论出发分析了这类多普勒计程仪的平面相控阵的基本设计思想。

    From the array theory , the basic idea to design the phased_array for this kind of Doppler log is proposed .

  11. 本文就是针对多普勒计程仪,围绕它的测速技术中信号处理技术的研究与实现展开的。

    In this thesis , we researched on the signal processing in testing the velocity of Doppler log and its implementation .

  12. 本文在讨论相控阵多普勒计程仪原理的基础上,提出了相控接收和宽带系统移相的方案。

    From the array theory , a phased receiving and wide-band phase-shift scheme for this kind of Doppler log is proposed in this paper .

  13. 在相同的工作深度要求下与多普勒计程仪比较,声相关计程仪可以利用较小的换能器和以较小的功率发射信号。

    Compared to doppler velocity log for the same depth of water , it enables the use of smaller transducer and smaller transmitting power .

  14. 多普勒计程仪是根据多普勒效应研制的一种利用水下声波来测速的精密仪器。

    Doppler Velocity Log is a precise instrument , which is used to measure ship velocity with sound wave in water on the theory of Doppler effect .

  15. 相控阵多普勒计程仪采用一个多元平面相控阵形成4个所需的指向性波束,无需进行声速补偿。

    In the phased_array Doppler log , a plane phased array with multielements are employed to form 4 required beams and no compensation for sound velocity is needed .

  16. 为测出载体对地的二维速度,常规的多普勒计程仪使用3到4个活塞型收发共用换能器形成3~4个独立的指向性波速。

    To measure 2-D velocity of a vehicle relative to the ground , 3 or 4 piston monostatic transducers are used to form 3 or 4 independent beams in the conventional Doppler log .

  17. 本文利用数学解析法分析了双波束多普勒计程仪的某些误差,即声速误差,信号起伏误差,换能器安装误差以及波束发射角变化引起的误差等。

    Using the mathematical analytical method , this paper interprets some of the errors arising from the double wave-beam Doppler Log , such as those in sound speed , signal variation , transducer installation and beam angle variation .

  18. 然后根据相控阵多普勒计程仪发射信号和接收信号的参数及其电路结构确定了系统的实现方案。

    Secondly , the specific solution of the system is decided based on the signal parameter transmitted and received by the phased-array Doppler Log . The hardware circuit and software program are designed based on the system solution .

  19. 近年来,在声基阵方面,相控阵技术的应用从原理上消除了声速补偿问题,大大提高了传统多普勒计程仪的性能。

    In recent years , because of the application of phased-array technique on sounder array , the problem of sound velocity compensation has been solved in theory , which has greatly improved the performance of the traditional Doppler log .

  20. 第四章设计卡尔曼滤波器实现舰载捷联垂直基准的传递对准和组合工作模式,有效消除多普勒计程仪、平台罗经等外部观测信息中存在野值、噪声、时间不同步带来的干扰。

    The fourth chapter designs a Kalman filter to achieve transfer alignment and integrated status . The algorithm also eliminates errors from outliers , noise and non-synchronization of external observation information ( e.g Doppler velocity log , gyrocompass stablized ) .