
  • 网络WNA;The World Nuclear Association
  1. 据世界核协会(WorldNuclearAssociation)介绍,中国共有160个核电项目得到提议。

    According to the World Nuclear Association , 160 nuclear projects have been proposed in China .

  2. 来自行业组织世界核协会(worldnuclearassociation)的数据已经表明,计划或提议开发的核能大于现有产能。

    Figures from the World Nuclear Association , a trade body , have shown more capacity planned and proposed than on the ground .

  3. 世界核协会(WorldNuclearAssociation)的数据显示,中国目前运行的核反应堆有17个,在建的有28个,另外还有更多即将开建的项目。

    China has 17 nuclear power reactors in operation , 28 being built and more nearing the start of construction , according to figures from the World Nuclear Association .

  4. 世界核协会(worldnuclearassociation)预测,随着核电厂的大量建成,特别是在中国,未来几年全球铀需求将增加50%。

    The World Nuclear Association forecasts uranium demand will increase by 50 per cent in the coming years as large numbers of nuclear power plants are built , especially in China .

  5. 世界核协会(worldnuclearassociation)的最新数据显示,目前全球运行着400多座核反应堆,其中约90座反应堆所在地区存在大量的地震活动。

    There are currently more than 400 reactors in operation around the world and about 90 of these are operating in areas of significant seismic activity , according to the latest figures from the World Nuclear Association .

  6. 据世界核协会(WNA)工业组织透露,为了要到达那一个目标,中国正在建造17处反应堆,并且计划中124处之多。

    To reach that goal , China has17 reactors under construction , and124 more on the drawing boards , according to the World Nuclear Association ( WNA ) industry group .

  7. 据世界核协会(WNA)称,马雅克核爆炸向大气中喷出了大约75吨放射性废料,并且估计导致了200人罹患了致命的癌症。

    The explosion spewed roughly 75 tons of radioactive waste into the atmosphere , according to the World Nuclear Association , and caused an estimated 200 people to develop fatal cancer .

  8. 今年夏天,一个卵石床反应堆示范项目已悄然动工。世界核协会表示,该项目是世界上最先进的模块化项目,最终将在山东省境内运行18个小型反应堆。

    This summer construction quietly started on a demonstration pebble bed reactor project that , according to the World Nuclear Association , is the most advanced modular project in the world and will eventually operate 18 small reactors in Shandong province .

  9. 世界核电站操作者协会

    World Association of Nuclear Operators