
  • 网络The World Steel Association;WSA;IISI
  1. 世界钢铁协会表示,没有中国需求,今年全球市场将下降24.4%。

    Without Chinese demand , the global market would have declined 24.4 per cent this year , the wsa said .

  2. 世界钢铁协会总部位于布鲁塞尔,会员覆盖全球170家钢铁制造企业,据该协会称,其会员的粗钢产量占到全球的85%左右。

    The WSA is a Brussels-based organisation that represents 170 steel producers , which it says account for 85 per cent of world steel output .

  3. 世界钢铁协会(worldsteelassociation)主席鲍罗罗卡(paolorocca)昨日表示,由于铁矿石施行新定价机制,钢铁行业将面临成本长期居高不下的局面,与其它材料相比,钢铁将丧失竞争力。

    The steel industry will face permanently higher costs and will lose competitiveness compared with other materials as a result of a new pricing mechanism for iron ore , the head of the World Steel Association said yesterday .

  4. 世界钢铁协会表示,今年全球需求下滑幅度低于最初预期,主要归因于近几个月中国需求迅速复苏,全球钢材消费量可能下降8.6%,而非先前预计的14.1%。

    The association said there would be a smaller decline in global demand this year than initially expected , largely owing to the rapid recovery in China in recent months , with steel use likely to fall 8.6 per cent rather than the 14.1 per cent forecast .