
  • 网络global citizenship education;Education for world citizenship
  1. 青少年时期是价值观和人生观形成的重要时期,加强中学生的世界公民教育既适应时代的发展,又满足人的转型需要。

    The adolescent period is the key period of formulation of Values and outlook on life . To strengthen global citizenship education for students must be enhanced to keep abreast of the times .

  2. 笔者在理解世界公民、世界公民教育的基础上,通过问卷调查的方式从平等、参与、责任、环保等十个方面来考察中学生的世界公民意识,对中学生的意识情况有所掌握。

    On the base of understanding global citizenship and global citizenship education , the author try to master the Secondary Students ' awareness from equality , participation , responsibility etc. by questionnaire survey .

  3. 当代世界公民教育的理念考察

    An Examination of the Ideas of Contemporary World Citizenship Education

  4. 世界公民教育协进会

    Council for Education in World Citizenship

  5. 第四部分是我国世界公民教育存在问题及原因分析。

    The fourth part analyzed the existing problems and causes of world citizen education in our country .

  6. 以艾丽斯·杨为代表的多元文化主义公民教育思想在20世纪末以来已经成为世界公民教育理论与实践中一个令人注目的亮点。

    The multicultural citizenship education theory represented by Young has been given much notice in the theory and practice of citizenship education since the late twentieth century .

  7. 在对世界公民教育现状思考的基础上,提出相关世界公民教育具体实施的策略。

    In educates the present situation ponder to the world citizen in the foundation , proposed that the related world citizen educates the concrete implementation the strategy .

  8. 笔者希望此文能够为我国开展世界公民教育工作提供思路,为进一步提升世界公民教育工作的实效性提供借鉴。

    The author wishes that the paper could provide ideas for the careers of world citizen education in our country and provide references for further upgrading effectiveness of world citizen education .

  9. 公民教育的内容也很丰富,包括公民权责教育、道德教育、媒体素养教育、个人社会与健康教育和世界公民教育。

    The contents of civic education are also very rich , including the powers and responsibilities of citizenship education , moral education , media literacy education , personal social and health education and civic education in the world .

  10. 透过「社区为本」及「世界公民」教育,让学生认识可持续发展之意义;

    To enable students to understand the meaning of sustainable development through both community-based and global citizenship education ;

  11. 爱国主义是推动一个国家和民族不断前进的强大精神动力,爱国主义教育是社会实践的一个重要方面,它是世界各国公民教育的核心内容之一。

    Patriotic education is an important aspect of Social practice , and also is one of the core content to civic education of the world countries . Patriotism is the powerful spiritual motivation to promote the progress of a state and the nation .

  12. 在探讨国际化语境涵义的基础上分析国际化语境中的公民教育的愿景。国际化语境中的公民教育是一种多元身份、共同伦理、多元文化和造就世界公民的教育。

    The paper analyzes the visualization of citizenship education based on exploring the meaning of the context of internationalization , pointing out that the citizenship education in the context of internationalization is one with the characteristics of multi-identity , common ethic , multi-culture and the creation of world citizenship .

  13. 美国作为现代公民教育理论研究的策源地,其公民教育不仅对美国本土,而且对世界许多国家的公民教育均产生了广泛而深刻的影响。

    As the origin of theoretical research of modern civic education , American civic education has exercised a wide and deep influence not only at home but in many other countries abroad as well .

  14. 在全球化进程下,各国的公民逐渐在向全球化的世界公民转变,培养世界公民已然成为各国教育事业努力的目标之一,随之世界公民教育也应运而生。

    In the process of globalization , various citizen gradually change to world citizen of globalization . Training world citizen has become one of the goals of various educational careers . Therefore , world citizen education emerge as the times require .

  15. 第二部分是世界公民相关理论概述,分别对公民、公民教育、世界公民、世界公民教育等概念进行界定,并具体阐释了世界公民相关教育的理论。

    The second part summarized the related theories of world citizen , respectively defined the following concepts , including citizen , citizen education , world citizen and world citizen education . Moreover , this part specifically interpreted theoretical basis of world citizen education .

  16. 以培养国家公民为目的的公民教育不再适应时代的发展,学校公民教育还需加强对学生的世界公民意识和品质的培养,在学校中开展世界公民教育是十分必要的。

    To train citizens as the purpose of civic education is no longer adapt to the development . Civic education also Need to strengthen the cultivation of global citizenship awareness and quality for students in schools . So it is necessary to carry out global citizenship education in the school .