
  • 网络vibration absorption
  1. 力偶作用下薄板的吸振控制研究

    Vibration Absorption Control of a Thin Plate Under Force-coupling

  2. 挠性摩擦传动是利用摩擦原理实现机械传动的一种重要形式,它具有结构简单、传动平稳、缓冲吸振、易实现远距离传输等特点,在工业生产中得到广泛应用。

    In the industrial production , flexibly frictional transmission is an important form of mechanical transmission making use of friction principle . It is widely used for its advantages of simple structure , steady transmission , buffering , vibration absorption , remote transmission and so on .

  3. 非线性吸振系统的若干问题基于Matlab的吸振系统的设计与实现

    Some Problems Related to Nonlinear Design and Implementation of Vibration-absorber Based on Matlab

  4. 动力吸振器和隔振系统(主系统)的刚度均为Duffing类型的非线性刚度。

    Both the isolation system and dynamic vibration absorber have Duffing type non-linear stiffness .

  5. WPA法分析带动力吸振器多支承桅杆动态特性

    Vibration Analysis of Multiple Supported Elastic Mast with MTD by Using WPA Method

  6. 在多频激励下吸振器的调谐策略方面,对单吸振器、双吸振器和状态切换吸振器(SSA)的性能进行了比较。

    The performances of single DVA , dual DVAs and state-switched absorber ( SSA ) are compared .

  7. 该文在探讨动力吸振器设计方法的基础上,设计了一阻尼式动力吸报器DVA(DynamicVibrationAbsorber),并将其安装到某轻型客车的动力传动系中。

    On the basis of discussion of dynamic vibration absorber ( DVA ) design method , a damping DVA has been designed and assembled in the power of a minibus .

  8. 利用有限元分析软件ANSYS求得系统受随机激励时的结构响应和频率分量,建立主动式动力吸振器的设计理论和方法。

    Having got the structural vibration response and frequency component applied in the random vibration system with FEM software ANSYS , and the paper sets up the design theory and method of the active dynamical vibration damp .

  9. 最后,还进行了用高阻尼弹簧对受简谐荷载强迫振动梁做动力吸振的实验研究,结果表明,用高阻尼弹簧做TMD具有良好的减振效果。

    The experiment is conducted on a steel beam with TMD including high damping springs and the results indicate the good performance of such a structure for vibration reduction .

  10. 通过建立悬臂梁-NES系统的偏微分运动方程,获得了非线性模态的解析解,揭示了NES振子吸振的原理。

    Partial differential equation of beam-NES system motion had established , analytic solution of nonlinear normal mode had obtained , which revealed the principal of vibration suppression via NES .

  11. 主动吸振技术方面在自适应被动吸振器性能分析的基础上,提出了一种新型自适应共振吸振器(AARA),并申请了发明专利。

    Based on the analysis , a novel kind of adaptive active resonator absorber ( AARA ) is proposed and a patent is applied for AARA based on magneto-rheological elastomer .

  12. 深海中动力吸振器的相关参数最优化设计

    Optimal design of parameters of dynamic vibration absorber in deep sea

  13. 阻尼吸振器在抑制梁共振响应应用中的参数选择研究

    The Determination of Damp Absorber Parameters in Controlling Beam Resonant Response

  14. 动力吸振器在车辆振动控制中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Vibration Absorber in the Vibration Control of Vehicles

  15. 高层建筑吸振器的最佳参数

    The best parameters of the dynamic vibration absorbers on high building

  16. 具有库仑摩擦阻尼的吸振器的一种计算方法

    A Computing Method for Dynamic Vibration Absorber With Coulomb Friction Damping

  17. 电磁动力吸振器式转子在线监测方法研究

    Research on the Online Monitoring Technique of Magnetic Dynamic Absorber Type

  18. 可调间隙的半主动吸振器及其实现

    A Semi-Active Vibration Absorber with an Adjustable Clearance and Its Realization

  19. 动力吸振器优化设计的功率流控制策略

    Control Strategies of Optimum Design of Vibration Absorbers on Power Flow

  20. 带吸振器的四边简支矩形薄板受迫振动研究

    Research on forced vibrations of simply supported rectangular plate with absorber

  21. 结果表明,所设计动力吸振器可以达到减振降噪的目的。

    The result indicates that the absorber can research the goal .

  22. 简谐振动时碟簧吸振器参数优化

    The Optimization of Parameters for a Belleville Spring Absorber under Harmonic Vibration

  23. 主动移频式动力吸振器及其动力特性的研究

    Study of Adaptive Tuned Vibration Absorber and Its Dynamic Properties

  24. 交联型竹粉/苯乙烯-异戊二烯嵌段共聚物/溴化丁基橡胶吸振复合材料

    Crosslinked vibration-absorbing bamboo powder / styrene-isoprene block copolymer / bromobutyl rubber composites

  25. 减小船体艉部振动的动力吸振器研究

    Research on Dynamic Absorber for Reducing Vibration of Ship Stern

  26. 具有粘弹性电磁式主动动力吸振器主动控制试验研究

    The Experimental Study on Vibration Control of Viscoelasticity Electromagnetic Active Dynamic Absorber

  27. 动力调谐陀螺仪动力吸振器的研究

    The Study of Dynamic Damped Absorber for Dynamic Tuned Gyroscope

  28. 连续系统的无阻尼动力吸振器优化设计

    Research on Undamped Vibration Absorber Attached to the Continuous Systems

  29. 在非线性主系统上应用非线性动力吸振器

    The application of nonlinear dynamic vibration in nonlinear main system

  30. 基于振动系统功率流的动力吸振器优化设计

    Optimum design of dynamic vibration absorbers for power flow of the system