
  • 网络adsorption
  1. 分子动力学模拟预测CO2和CH4在DDR膜中的吸附现象

    Prediction of adsorption properties of co_2 and ch_4 on DDR membrane via molecular dynamics simulation

  2. 氟化的CNTs存在明显的解吸滞后现象,孔隙填充机制或许是不可逆吸附现象的原因。

    Desorption hysteresis of fluoride CNTs is obvious . Perhaps the interspace filling mechanism is the reason of irreversible adsorption .

  3. 实验还采用胶束电动毛细管色谱(MECC)对水溶性的蛋白质混合物进行了分析,电泳缓冲液中加入SDS后,水溶性蛋白质的吸附现象变的相对严重,分析效果有所下降。

    And the separation of water-soluble proteins was done with micelle electro kinetic capillary chromatography ( MECC ) .

  4. 通过使用含醋酸-磷酸配位体溶液与否以及加入很少体积的酸或碱试剂来固定溶液的pH值,可以确定金属离子和金属复合物在吸附现象中所起的角色。

    By using the solution with ligand of acetic-phosphoric or not and the addition of small volumes acid or base to set the pH , it was possible to determine the roles of metal ions and complexes in adsorption phenomenon .

  5. 通过综合分析上述实验结果,从微观络合模式的角度建立了玻璃表面的Stern双电层模型,合理地阐释了不同溶液介质条件下镅在玻璃表面上的吸附现象。

    Combining all of the experimental results , Stern double layer model is established , which can interpret the rule of glass surface adsorbing ~ 241Arn ( III ) under different aqueous medium conditions in reason .

  6. 选择Langmuir方程描述营养物质的吸附现象,并考虑营养液在饱和多孔介质的水中的分散和渗滤;

    The adsorption of nutrition material is described by Langmuir 's Equation and dispersion as well as seepage in the saturated water in the nutrition fluids in the porous media are also considered .

  7. 考虑到天然水中实际存在的痕量有机物要比以腐殖质为主的天然有机物(NOM)的量小很多,有可能存在理想吸附现象。

    Because of contents for trace organic compounds in natural water are much fewer as NOM with fundamental on hums , ideal adsorption phenomena is exist .

  8. 此外,对BDMN及二氧六环在汞电极上的吸附现象也进行了研究。

    The adsorption of BDMN and solvent ( dioxane ) on the dropping mercury electrode has also been studied .

  9. 结果0.5%油性提取物作用1min、0.12%作用5min、0.06%作用10min均可完全抑制流感病毒A3株引起的鸡红细胞吸附现象;

    Results 0.5 % , 0.12 % and 0.06 % oiliness extract treating influenza virus strain A3 for 1,5 and 10 min , respectively , could completely inhibit chicken erythrocyte adsorption caused by the virus .

  10. 无机盐水溶液&CA膜界面吸附现象的研究

    Research for adsorption between inorganic salt water solution and CA membrane

  11. 黄腐酸的凝胶过滤Ⅰ.在葡聚糖凝胶上的排除和吸附现象

    The Exclusion and Adsorption Phenomena of Fulvic Acid on Dextran Gel

  12. 树状高分子溶液在粘度计毛细管表面的吸附现象

    Adsorption of solutions of dendritic macromolecules on the surface of viscometer capillary

  13. 超当量吸附现象反映了物理吸附的本质。

    The phenomenon of superequivalent adsorption is a reflection of physical adsorption .

  14. 微球载体固定化碱性磷酸酶的底物/产物吸附现象

    Adsorption of Immobilized Alkaline Phosphatase Latex to Substrate and Product

  15. 乙醇法制浆木素吸附现象与卡伯值的关系

    Relation of Lignin Absorption and Kappa Number of the Pulp in Ethanol Pulping

  16. 本文研究了纸色层分析中微量金离子的吸附现象;

    The adsorption phenomena of trace ionic gold in paper chromatography were investigated .

  17. 稻瘟病菌分生孢子和水稻蛋白质的相互吸附现象初报

    Preliminary Study on the Absorption between Rice Proteins and Conidia of Pyricularia oryzae

  18. 这是一种新的吸附现象,表明了紫脲酸铵吸附过程的复杂性,对其机理进行了讨论。

    This is a new adsorption phenomenon showing the complexity of murexide adsorption .

  19. 表面增强拉曼光谱研究电化学中的共吸附现象

    Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic studies on coadsorption

  20. 活性炭共吸附现象对有机蒸气穿透容量的影响

    The Influence of the Co adsorption of Active Carbon on the Penetration Capacity of Organic Vapors

  21. 通过循环伏安技术对腺嘌呤在玻碳电极上的吸附现象进行了研究。

    Cyclic voltammetry technology was used to study the adsorptive behavior of adenine on the glassy carbon electrode .

  22. 综述了蒙脱石与有机物的相互作用,包括蒙脱石对有机化合物的分配吸附现象及原理;

    This paper reviews the interaction between montmorillonite and organic compounds , including : phenomenon of partitioning adsorption and its explanation ;

  23. 溶质吸附现象总会对极稀浓度区高分子溶液的粘度测量产生影响。

    Solute adsorption phenomenon is unavoidable and always affects greatly viscosity measurement of polymer solution in the extremely dilute concentration regime .

  24. 两种材料的输液器对盐酸多巴酚丁胺和呋塞米都没有吸附现象。

    In addition , The dobutamine hydrochloride and furosemide have not been both adsorbed after flowing the TPE and PVC Infusion Set .

  25. 还原过程伴有反应物吸附现象,当硝基苯浓度较大时,还原过程受传质过程控制;

    The adsorption of compounds followed by the reduction process , which is controlled by the mass transfer step at higher nitrobenzene concentration .

  26. 针对海卤水沉淀反应过程中氢氧化镁对硼化物的吸附现象以及树脂法对卤水脱硼进行了研究。

    The removal of boron in brine was researched , in which magnesium hydroxide produced in seawater or brine and resin were adopted respectively .

  27. 实验的结果表明:①储层岩心介质对烃类混合气体的吸附现象是客观存在的,不容忽视;

    Experimental results indicate that ① adsorption phenomenon of mixed hydrocarbon gas in reservoir core medium is an objective fact which can 't be neglected in a real gas reservoir ;

  28. 在催化剂超临界流体再生和聚合物系超临界流体脱挥的模型化过程中,应充分考虑到杂质与超临界流体在气固相界面的竞争吸附现象。

    As for the modeling of regenerating catalysts with supercritical fluids , competitive adsorption between the impurities and the supercritical fluids on the surface of the gas / solid phase should be considered .

  29. 分离低聚木糖过程中,分子量是影响分离的主要因素,木糖至木六糖和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶之间不存在非特异性吸附现象。

    In the course of separation , the molecular size of XOS was the dominant factor governing the separation in this system , and there was no specific absorption between polyacrylamide gel and XOS .

  30. 但8批用清洁级地鼠制备的肾原代细胞中均未发现有血吸附现象,而在普通级,血吸附阳性率高达86%(18/21)。

    No hemadsorption was found in 8 lots of primary hamster kidney cells of clean level hamsters , but the hemadsorption positive rate of general hamsters reached 86 % ( 18 / 21 ) .