
  • 网络accretion flow;ADAF;ADAFs
  1. 标准薄盘与径移主导吸积流的连接

    Smooth Connection of Standard Thin Disk with Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow

  2. 我们发现来自于ADAF的喷流功率比标准薄盘情况时更集中于盘内区,结果表明发现吸积流的径移主导程度对喷流功率PADAF的影响是明显的。

    Our result demonstrates that the jet power concentrates on the inner region more than it in the case of the standard thin disc , and the jet power depends sensitively on the degree to which the flow is advection-dominated .

  3. 具有两个临界点的径移主导吸积流整体解

    Global Solutions of advection-Dominated Accretion Flows with Two Critical Points

  4. 热吸积流研究的新进展

    Latest report on the theory of hot accretion flows

  5. 含平流单温吸积流:电子对由非热过程产生情形

    The one-temperature accretion flows with advection : e ~ ± pair production by nonthermal processes

  6. 本文从刘维定理出发,通过相空间求平均,建立了中子星吸积柱中粒子流连续方程和动量迁移方程。

    In this paper we establish a set of kinetic equations from Liouville 's theorem which can be used to describe the charged particle distribution in the accretion column of a neutron star .

  7. 本文在此基础上,讨论具有早型伴星的X射线脉冲星吸积过程中吸积盘与球吸积流的相互作用。

    Based on this suggestion we discuss the interaction of disk and spherical accretion streams for X-ray pulsars with early-type companions .

  8. 因为在许多被怀疑由吸积所推动的高能辐射天体中,物质的外流都有被观测到,而且从理论上也发现辐射冷却无效吸积流能量上是非束缚的。

    In observation , many celestial systems doubted to be powered by mass accretion often possess a mass outflow . And also , in theoretical research , the RIAFs are energetically unbounded .