
  1. 学生的分数基于两个任务:对团队的案例报告和一个在线案件的讨论。

    Students are graded based on two assignments : case reports for the team and an online case discussion .

  2. 合议庭评议阶段是指从裁判者退庭评议到宣判期间对案件进行讨论和作出决定的阶段。

    The stage of deliberation of collegiate bench is the one during which the case is discussed and a decision is made after the court is adjourned .

  3. 由于审判委员会拥有对案件进行讨论和作出决定的权力,因此它尽管并不主持或参加法庭审判,却实际承担着审判职能,行使着审判权。

    As the Judicial Committee has the cases for discussion and decision-making powers , although it does not host or participate in court , but the actual bear the judicial functions exercised jurisdiction .

  4. 审判委员会针对疑难、复杂案件进行讨论决定,案件的裁判结果更可能受政治、地方利益等多种因素的影响,集体滥用自由裁量权,其后果更恶劣。

    If the Judicial Committee holds discussion for difficult and complicated cases , the judgment will be more susceptible to the impact of political and local interests , etc. Collective abuse of discretion will bring serious consequences .

  5. 股票初次申请上柜案件经经理部门讨论后,提报审议委员会审议。

    OTC listing of shares has been discussed by management , it is submitted to the review committee for review .

  6. 本文通过对8例案件的分析,讨论了人体损伤后医疗因素影响的特点,并结合法律的观点,提出法医学鉴定中需探讨的问题:1、医疗因素与人身损害之间的因果关系;

    In this paper , by 8 forensic cases being analysed , the characteristic of medical factors were discussed , and the problems requiring to study were raised combined With the law of our country in the course of the forensic appraisement .