
  • 网络Scene;crime scene
  1. 我上次跟你说的清理案发现场有兴趣没?

    What about that crime scene thing Ive told you about ?

  2. 是个案发现场-有血?-

    It is a crime scene . - With blood ? -

  3. 调查人员正在案发现场寻找线索。

    Investigators are searching for clues at the scene of the crime .

  4. 在案件侦破过程中,案发现场常会残留各种微量物证,如微量血痕、精斑、各种衣物纤维上附着的脱落细胞等,这些微量物证的DNA检验对案件的侦破均具有重要的支持作用。

    During the case investigation , trace material evidences which plays an important role in investigating case can be residue in crime scene , such as trace bloodstains , semen stain , exfoliated cells of fabric and so on .

  5. 一名高级执法官员接受NPR新闻的采访时表示,案发现场的监控录像表明,至少一枚炸弹爆炸前,一名男子放下一个背包之后离开案发现场。

    A senior law enforcement official tells NPR that video of the spot warns at least one of the bombs exploded , shows a man setting down a bag and then leaving the scene .

  6. 案发现场的报纸又有什么意义?

    What 's the significance of the paper at the scene ?

  7. 看起来我们找到第一案发现场了。

    Looks like we may have found our primary crime scene .

  8. 我猜我会在下一个案发现场见到你。

    I guess I 'll see you on the next crime scene .

  9. 我们在案发现场发现了他的脚印。

    We found his boot prints at the crime scene .

  10. 但是没任何证据将他们联系到案发现场。

    And nothing to tie them to either crime scene .

  11. 在案发现场,他一般会注意三样东西。

    He looked for three things at a crime scene .

  12. 我现在去看案发现场

    I 'd like to see the crime scene now .

  13. 既然这样,我想去看看案发现场

    Well , then , I want to see the crime scene ,

  14. 马路上鞋印和案发现场对比。

    Tread pattern in the driveway compared to impressions found at the scene .

  15. 如果房子变成案发现场的话。

    That if the house became a crime scene .

  16. 通知警察那里是案发现场。

    Tell Metro cops it 's a crime scene .

  17. 他在法庭上承认自己离开案发现场,接受了缓刑的判决。

    He pleaded guilty to leaving the scene and received a suspended sentence .

  18. 这是他从案发现场带来的。

    He brought it with himfrom the crime scene .

  19. 詹妮丝和本已经到达案发现场

    Janice and Ben are already on the scene .

  20. 案发现场的四分之一。

    Maybe a quarter of the crime scene .

  21. 救护车已经抵达案发现场,直升飞机也在现场附近,学生们开始离开校园。

    and ambulances and helicopters flying around the scene , students leaving the campus .

  22. 只要找出被遗留在案发现场的指纹或脚趾纹。

    Provided fingerprints ? or toe prints ! ? were left at the scene .

  23. 这里可能是我们的案发现场。

    This could be our primary crime scene .

  24. 那有助于缩小第一案发现场的范围。

    Help narrow down the primary crime scene .

  25. 有可能石头用于闯进案发现场。

    That may have been used to break a window at the murder scene .

  26. 目睹到星城治安维护者离开案发现场

    seeing the Starling City vigilante leaving the scene

  27. 但是至今也没有新郎在案发现场的确凿证据。

    But we have no evidence of the fianc ? Being at the scene .

  28. 比如在案发现场伪造证据。

    Like planting evidence at crime scenes .

  29. 不是案发现场附近地区丢的。

    But not from around the neighborhood .

  30. 又不是只有案发现场有。

    It 's not a unique event .