
àn jiàn ɡōnɡ kāi
  • case publicity
  1. 该主审法官后来受到批评,因为他把案件公开化了。

    The presiding judge was later censured for publicizing the case .

  2. 弗吉尼亚州参议员克莱·迪兹已经出院,55岁的迪兹首次就案件公开发表声明,此前有关部门表示他是被24岁的儿子加斯刺伤,而他儿子身上的伤口表明他在之后开枪自杀。

    Virginia senator Creigh Deeds has been released from the hospital , the 55 year old Deeds is making his first public statement since authority say he was stabbed by his son Gus . believe the 24 year old then killed himself with a self-flicked gunshot wound .

  3. 这一案件不能公开谈论。

    This case did not admit of being discussed in public .

  4. 建立案件材料公开制度,以加强社会监督,提高审判效率和质量。

    Also , we should establish the open case material system so as to tighten social supervision and uplift the efficiency and quality of trial .

  5. 但在中国,这个案件并未广大公开。

    The case went largely unreported in China .

  6. 但是有关国家秘密或者个人隐私的案件,不公开审理。

    Cases involving state secrets or private affairs of individuals shall not be heard in public .

  7. 对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣判;

    Judgments in all cases , whether subject to public hearing or not , are announced openly .

  8. 人民法院对公开审理或者不公开审理的案件,一律公开宣告判决。同一级法院及上一级法院作出的二审判决或裁定属终局裁决。

    The people 's court shall publish the judgments of all its cases heard either in public or in private .

  9. 第四十二条十四周岁以上不满十六周岁的未成年人犯罪的案件,一律不公开审理。

    Article 42 All cases involving crimes committed by minors over fourteen years old but under sixteen shall not be tried publicly .

  10. 所有案件(包括依法不公开审理的案件)都必须公开宣告判决。

    The verdicts in all cases , including cases of non-public trial in accordance with law , should be pronounced publicly .

  11. 第二,统一公开的范围,即除了法律规定不公开审理的案件和当事人申请不公开的案件外都要公开。

    Second , unify the open scope , all the criminal judicative paper should be open except the cases law restricts and the parties apply .