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àn bǎn
  • chopping board;kitchen chopping board;kneading board;bread board
案板 [àn bǎn]
  • [kitchen chopping board] 厨房里切菜、切肉用的小木板

案板[àn bǎn]
  1. 这案板糟了。

    The chopping board is rotten .

  2. 不使用同一块案板或同一把刀。

    Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife .

  3. 揉生面团时,案板上要撒点面粉。

    Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface .

  4. 在撒了面粉的案板上揉面团。

    Knead the dough on a floured surface .

  5. 把生面团倒在撒了面粉的案板上。

    Turn out the dough on to a floured surface

  6. FDA同时指出,虽然问题曲奇饼加热后食用可能会相对安全,但并不建议消费者这样做。因为,人的手上、厨房案板和其他烹饪设备表面都可能存在细菌。

    The FDA also said consumers should not try to cook the dough , even though eating cooked dough would be safe , because consumers might get bacteria on their hands and on counters and other cooking surfaces .

  7. 在案板下面是大罐的芝麻油和沙拉油。

    Just below are large tins of sesame and salad oils .

  8. 如果是把丝巾放在案板上

    If the silk hankerchief is put on chopping board

  9. 看在上帝的份上,用案板吧。

    Use a cutting board for god 's sake .

  10. 不锈钢搁板案板,经久耐用;

    Stainless steel shelf board , durable service life ;

  11. 你能把案板拿过来,把胡萝卜切碎,洋葱切丁吗?

    Can you get that cutting board and chop these carrots and dice these onions ?

  12. 把面团放在撒了面粉的案板上。

    Put it on a floured surface .

  13. 案板上有把餐刀黄油涂在刀口右侧

    There 's a knife on the breadboard with butter on the right side of the blade

  14. 环行在你的餐厅,把案板上所有的汉堡牛肉饼都撒上调料,加以完成。

    Walk along your restaurant and complete all the hamburgers by stomping its ingredients through platforms .

  15. 然后移到案板上,切成片,放到大浅盘上。

    Then remove to a cutting board , hack into pieces and place on a platter .

  16. 电视机的遥控器是什么时候放到厨房的案板上的?

    Strange , when was the TV remote control placed on the chopping board in the kitchen ?

  17. 有一个露天的大理石案板厨房,木质地板和衣柜。

    The house features an open kitchen plan with granite counter tops , wood flooring and cabinets .

  18. 厅家具等。此外,公司产品还包括各式木制家用用品例如案板、防烫垫、调料罐等。

    In addition , the company sells derivative wooden products like breadboards and other wooden house wares .

  19. 取出面团,放在抹上少许油的案板上,用手将其稍微按长后,再用擀面棍擀成10厘米宽,1厘米厚的长条面坯。

    Place the dough on a greased work surface and roll out tto a10-cm wide and1-cm thick strip .

  20. 我炖猪肉,在木案板上用叉子把肉从骨头上弄下来。

    Just braised pork , being pulled off the bone with a fork on a wooden cutting board .

  21. 我们期待着能有一天中国的车企被摆在案板上。

    We look forward to the day when China 's auto companies might be placed onto the documented board .

  22. 他又走回屋里。地下炕上落满鸡毛,六只白嫩嫩的退毛鸡一溜摆在案板上,等着下锅。

    He returned indoors , where the six plucked chickens lay in a row on the chopping board waiting to be cooked .

  23. 案板上放着半脸盆灰白色的稗子面,看来是事先给我准备的。

    There was a half of bason of offwhite barnyard grass flour on the chopping board , it looked like arranging for in advance .

  24. 案板上有把餐刀,黄油涂在刀口右侧因为他惯用左手拿刀。

    There 's a knife on the breadboard with butter on the right side of the blade because he used it with his left .

  25. 如果你打算在做好之后几小时内吃这些菜,可以把它们就放在案板上;

    If you 're going to eat these dishes within a few hours of making them , you can just leave them out on the counter ;

  26. 漫长的包饺子过程会缩短至2分钟,用户也不必在事后收拾粘乎乎的面粉案板了。

    It reduces a lengthy recipe to two minutes construction time and ensures that no one has to clean a countertop caked with leftover dough and flour .

  27. 结果显示,生产用的刀具、工人的手、案板和传送带以及车间的空气都是冷却肉生产过程中的污染源,尤其以分割车间的案板、传送带最为严重。

    The results showed that knives , workers ' hands , cutting tables , conveyor belts and the air of slaughtering room were all the contamination sources .

  28. 在案板上放一条湿毛巾,放一只碗在上面,然后放入鸡蛋黄和白糖并搅拌,直到白糖完全溶解蛋黄成糊状。

    Place a damp towel on your work surface and put the bowl on top . Add the sugar and egg yolks and whisk together until thoroughly combined .

  29. 哲哉早己站在案板前面,旁边是一碗面粉和鸡蛋,他的炸锅,几双长的竹筷和金属筷子,再加上一把漏勺,就构成了他的全套大厨装备。

    Saotome stands in front of a chopping board , with a bowl containing the flour and egg and his NABE . Alongside are pairs of long-handled bamboo and metal chopsticks that , with a strainer , form his batterie de cuisine .

  30. 把鸡肉放回带有肉汁的锅中,焖的时间稍微长一点,直至鸡肉变得很嫩,几乎要从骨头上掉下来。然后移到案板上,切成片,放到大浅盘上。

    Return the chicken to the pan with the gravy and allow it to cook yet a little while longer , until it is ridiculously tender , almost coming off the bones . Then remove to a cutting board , hack into pieces and place on a platter .