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tāng bāo
  • a steamed dumpling filled with minced meat and gravy;steamed dumplings filled with minced meat and gravy
汤包 [tāng bāo]
  • [steamed dumplings filled with minced meat and gravy] 装有碎肉和卤汁的蒸包

汤包[tāng bāo]
  1. 粉圆TapiocaPearls烤香肠Toastedsausage葡式焗扇贝Portuguese-stylebakedscallops豆腐蒸桂花鱼Steamedmandarinfishwithtofu金汤水煮鳜鱼Stewedmandarinfishinpumpkinsoup水煮海鲜Poachedseafood开封灌汤包Kaifengsoupdumplings

    Sweet-and-sour carp baked with noodles

  2. 到了晚上,在披露街的东头,来到鹿鸣春(Joe’sShanghai)品尝汤包的人排起了长队。

    At night , on Pell 's eastern end , pilgrims queue for soup dumplings at Joe 's Shanghai .

  3. 推荐菜:猪肉汤包和猪肉蟹肉汤包;

    RECOMMENDED Pork and pork-and-crab xiao long bao ( soup dumplings ) ;

  4. 茱莉买了牛奶和三包调理汤包。

    Julie bought milk and three packets of soup mix .

  5. 大概600多英里以外的上海的美食以街边小吃而闻名,特别是灌汤包。

    Some 600-plus miles away , Shanghai is best known for its street food , especially soup dumplings .

  6. 这款泡面辛辣,面料充足,内含大块蘑菇和冻干牛肉汤包。

    It 's spicy and full of noodles . Shin Ramyun Black contains nice big pieces of mushroom and freeze-dried beef that springs to life .

  7. 两家店的点心制作都由她监管,但是除了各种经典汤包——猪肉汤包以及著名的猪肉蟹肉汤包——这两家餐馆大相径庭。

    She oversees the dim sum at both locations , but beyond the classic varieties of soup dumpling - pork and notably briny pork and crab - the restaurants diverge .

  8. 东村这家店推陈出新,有放在辣椒上的小笼包,期待年轻人和酒醉之人大胆一试;还有加入芥末的汤包,算是向附近的日本侨民致意。

    East Village innovations include xiao long bao jacked up on chile , anticipating the bravado of the young and the drunk , and others spiked with wasabi , a gesture toward the neighborhood 's Japanese expats .

  9. 不过可不只有灌汤包,还有生煎包——一种蒸熟的猪肉包——是一种很棒的小吃,而煎饼——以鸡蛋为主料做成的薄烤饼,抹上豆瓣酱或辣椒酱——也是当地非常有名的早餐。

    But don 't stop there , Shen jian bao , steamed pork bun , makes for a perfect for snack , while jian bing , egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear , is a local power breakfast 。

  10. 这座城市最富盛名的莫过于小笼包“汤包”和其甜口、酱焖(菜式),更广泛源于其精致的河鲜如螃蟹、鳗鱼和虾。知名菜式包括「叫花鸡」和「东坡肉」。

    The city itself is best known for the xiao long bao " soup dumpling " and for its sweet , soy-dark braises , but the wider region is the source of exquisite river delicacies such as crab , eel and shrimp , and famous dishes including beggar 's chicken and dongpo pork .