
  • 网络brussels sprouts
  1. 白菜一星期内就发芽了.ph.1.【植】汤菜球芽甘蓝

    The cabbages germinated within a week . Brussels sprout

  2. 你尝过餐厅里被他们称为咖喱菜的那道稀汤菜吗?

    Have you tried the slop that they call curry in the canteen ?

  3. 味浓厚、嗜葱蒜,尤以烹制海鲜,汤菜和各种动物内脏为长。

    Strong flavor , Chuangsuan , especially cooked seafood , and various animal offal Shangcai longer .

  4. 广东汤菜的烹调方法

    Cooking Methods for Guangdong Soup Dish

  5. 闽菜有四个与众不同的特征,这就是精美的切菜技巧、各种汤菜、独特的作料以及精湛的烹饪。

    Fujian cuisine has four distinctive features , that is , fine cutting techniques , various soups , unique seasonings , and exquisite cooking .

  6. 而且由于当地海产品资源丰富,因此该菜系的汤菜十分鲜美,而且很容易保持其本身的香味。

    And thanks to the abundant resources of marine products , the soup of this cuisine genre has its freshness and keeps its own savor with ease .

  7. 我建议您点一道汤或开胃菜,再加上二。三道小菜。

    I would recommend a soup or an appetizer with two or three small dishes .

  8. 我建议您来碗汤或开胃菜和两三样小菜。好的,我要烟薰三文鱼和蔬菜汤。

    I would recommend a soup or an appetizer with two or three small dishes . Yes , please . I want smoked salmon and vegetable soup .

  9. 歌诗达游轮全年提供各种主题游轮,如海上威尼斯提供包括蔬菜炖牛肉和威尼斯豆汤的意大利菜并且复制了具有面具和阅兵元素的威尼斯狂欢节。

    Costa offers themed cruises throughout the year , such as Venice at Sea , which serves Italian dishes including braised beef ragout and Venetian bean soup , and replicates Venices carnival with masks and a parade .