
  • 网络tongatapu
  1. 在更南部的瓦瓦乌群岛或汤加塔布岛上,居民们没有感觉到震动。

    No shaking was felt further south by residents in the islands of Vava'u or on Tongatapu , the Matangi Tonga website reported .

  2. 当它穿过东加塔布群岛和航海家群岛之间的时候,测程器的记录已经到了九千七百二十海里;汤加塔布群岛是从前阿尔戈号、太子港号和博兰公爵号的船员丧生的地方,航海家群岛是拉?白鲁斯的朋友、郎格尔船长被杀的所在。

    We logged 9720 miles when we passed between the Tonga Islands , where crews from the Argo , Port-au-Prince , and Duke of Portland had perished , and the island group of Samoa , scene of the slaying of Captain de Langle , friend of that long-lost navigator , the Count de La Perouse .