
dǎo dàn shì yàn
  • missile test
  1. 不过,此举适逢中美关系紧张加剧之际,其原因包括谷歌(google)受到网络攻击所引发的纠纷,以及中国的一次导弹试验。

    But it comes after tension has risen between Washington and Beijing on issues such as the dispute over cyber-attacks on Google , and a Chinese missile test .

  2. 同时,美国军方官员对路透社(Reuters)表示,考虑到与朝鲜之间的紧张局势,美方决定推迟原定下周进行的导弹试验,以避免任何误解或误判。

    It also comes after a US defence official told Reuters Washington had decided to delay a long-planned missile test scheduled for next week to avoid any misperception or miscalculation , given tensions with North Korea .

  3. G8还担忧朝鲜的核试验和导弹试验使紧张形势升级,要求朝鲜放弃所有核武器。

    The G8 also expressed concern that nuclear and missile tests by the North have increased tension , and called on the country to abandon all nuclear weapons .

  4. 导弹试验训练视景仿真系统关键技术研究

    Study on Essential Technique of Missile Testing and Training Simulation System

  5. 2007年的今天,中国首次成功进行反卫星导弹试验。

    2007 – China conducts the first successful anti-satellite missile test .

  6. 防空导弹试验靶场遥测数据处理方法探讨

    Processing Method of Telemetry Data for Air Defense Missile Test Range

  7. 支持地空导弹试验靶场仿真的综合陆地环境研究

    Research on the Synthetic Terrestrial Environment for Ground-to-air Missile Test Range Simulation

  8. 计算机仿真技术在靶场导弹试验鉴定中的应用研究

    Research using computer simulation for test and appraisal of missile in range

  9. 导弹试验中序贯检验及序贯截尾检验方案的优化设计

    An Optimization Design of Sequential and Sequential Truncated Inspection Scheme for Missile Test

  10. 基于攻防对抗的战术导弹试验用弹量确定

    Test Lengths of Tactical Missile Based on Counterattack

  11. 据报道,去年9月,中国在西部进行了一次大规模导弹试验。

    In September there were reports of a large-scale missile test in western China .

  12. 双方关系在朝鲜本周核导弹试验后升级。

    Tensions are soaring after North Korea 's nuclear and missile test this week .

  13. 制导导弹试验仿真中的目标模拟技术

    Target modeling technology for guided missiles test simulations

  14. 通用型红外导弹试验数据分析系统设计

    Design of Data-analyzing System for IR Missiles TESTING

  15. 潜艇水下发射导弹试验用通信浮筏系统研制

    Development of a New Communication Boat System for Tests of Launching Missile under Water

  16. 新的,也是最后一轮的多弹头分导导弹试验定于五月份开始。

    A new and final round of MIRV tests was scheduled to start in May .

  17. 韩国表示,朝鲜准备于本周晚些时候进行核导弹试验。

    South Korea says the North is preparing for a nuclear missile test later this week .

  18. 导弹试验场工程测量

    Engineering survey of missile test site

  19. 这可能是弹道导弹试验,我们知晓多少?

    Kun Yang , this possibly ballistic missile test , what do we know about it ?

  20. 水下导弹试验与鉴定中心

    Underwater missile test evaluation center

  21. 朝鲜的这一举动遭到国际社会的广泛谴责,因为违反了联合国禁止朝鲜进行弹道导弹试验的制裁。

    The move was widely condemned by the international community as a violation of United Nations sanctions .

  22. 去年7月在朝鲜进行导弹试验后,韩国中止了对朝的人道主义援助。

    South Korea suspended its humanitarian aid in response to missile tests by North Korea last July .

  23. 去年7月北韩进行了一系列导弹试验后,韩国暂停了援助。

    South Korea su ended the shipments last July after North Korea test-fired a series of MI iles .

  24. 日本在朝鲜7月份导弹试验之后就已对朝鲜采取了更主动的线路。

    Japan had already taken a more assertive line towards North Korea after the missile tests in July .

  25. 因此,弹道导弹试验和核爆炸事关重大,而韩国人被杀似乎就没那么紧要。

    So while ballistic missile tests and nuclear explosions matter , killing South Koreans appears to rank lower .

  26. 该环境已经运用于空军某基地的地空导弹试验靶场仿真试验,成功地辅助了试验人员对试验过程和方案进行模拟,对仿真结果进行分析和评估,并取得了预期的良好效果。

    The STE has been successfully applied to the Ground-to-air Missile simulation testing for a certain air base .

  27. 没有法律禁止导弹试验,即便是那些引起全球神经紧张的远程导弹。

    THERE is no law against testing missiles , even far-flying ones intended to rattle nerves around the globe .

  28. 最近的导弹试验会增强日本完善自身防务,并且与美国合作的紧迫感。

    The latest test will reinforce Japan 's readiness to do more in its own defence , and with America .

  29. 平壤表示,北韩2002年同日本签署的一项协议不妨碍北韩进行远程导弹试验。

    North Korea says that a2002 agreement with Japan does not prevent it from conducting long range mi ile tests .

  30. 有三次成功的导弹试验室在哪里,包括在2006年7月拦截整体目标。

    Three successful THAAD tests were conducted at WSMR , including the intercept of a unitary target in July 2006 .