
  1. 但导演说我的台词说的很有感情。

    But the director said he liked my reading the best .

  2. “必须这样,”导演说。

    ' That will have to do , 'said the director .

  3. 导演说节目马上开始。

    The director said the performances would begin in a minute .

  4. 导演说我是年轻宇航员。

    I overheard the director say I was more space cadet .

  5. “好主意!”导演说。

    " That 's a very good idea !" the director said .

  6. 导演说脚本其实只是个参考。

    The director also said that the script is just a referance .

  7. “这个印第安人真神奇”这个导演说。

    " This Indian is incredible ," said the director .

  8. 导演说:锣鼓点就装在你的心里。

    The director said : The point gongs mounted on your mind .

  9. 导演说它是对中产阶级价值观的激烈抨击。

    The director construed it as a radical attack on bourgeois values .

  10. 电影拍摄必须是导演说了算。

    The director must be the one in charge .

  11. 这个印度人真神,导演说。

    This Indian is incredible , said the director .

  12. 吴宇森导演说其他的演员将在下周投入拍摄。

    Director John Woo said the stars will join the entourage in the coming week .

  13. “我对开车没兴趣,对车也没兴趣,”导演说。

    " I have no interest in driving and no interest in cars ," says the director .

  14. 正当我开始全身投入的时候导演说非常感谢华盛顿先生

    So I start getting into it the director said , Thank you very much , Mr. Washington .

  15. 电影拍摄必须是导演说了算。电影的基调不能改变。

    The director must be the one in charge . The tone of the film cannot be altered .

  16. 卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈导演说希望这部电影可以提高大众对巴西濒危鸟类的关注,了解它们所面对的挑战。

    Director Carlos Saldanha has said he hoped the movie would raise awareness of the challenges facing endangered birds in Brazil .

  17. 虽然斯皮尔伯格并没有将苦难归咎于中国,但这位导演说北京应该利用其影响力来争取转机。

    While not blaming China for the suffering , the director said Beijing should be using its influence to push for change .

  18. 在张钰事件中,黄建中导演说,他当时已经喝醉了,记不清当时发生的一切。

    In Zhang 's case , director Huang Jianzhong , said that he was drunk and could not remember what had happened .

  19. 一周以后,印度人又来了,他告诉导演说:明天会有暴风雨。

    A week later , the Indian went up to the director again and said , There will be a storm tomorrow .

  20. 这位29岁的导演说,我希望影片能够更加关注情节,而非庸俗廉价的幽默。

    ' I wanted to be more concentrated on the drama , rather than lame , cheesy jokes , ' says the 29-year-old director .

  21. 开始时,导演说梅艳芳演电影比唱歌好,她傻呵呵地笑着接受了表扬。

    At first , when the director told her that she could act better than sing , she accepted this praise with a smirk .

  22. 一个女生跑向安吉拉并迅速帮她扑粉、梳头发必须这样,导演说。

    A girl rushed forward and quickly powdered Angela 's face and combed her hair ' That will have to do , 'said the director .

  23. 一周后,印度人又来告诉导演说,明天有风暴.果然,第二天下了雹暴。

    A week later , the Indian went up to the director and said , Tomorrow storm . The next day there was a hailstorm .

  24. 一周后,印度人又来告诉导演说,“明天有风暴.”果然,第二天下了雹暴.

    A week later , the Indian went up to the director and said , " Tomorrow storm . " The next day there was a hailstorm .

  25. 最奇怪的还是导演说他接拍这部电影是因为主角人物的一些小缺点让他感到非常有趣。

    The strangest thing is that the director said the shortcomings of the character just interested him so much that he finally decided to have a try .

  26. 一周后,印度人又来告诉导演说:“明天刮风。”果然,第二天刮起了一场大风。

    A week later , the Indian went up to the director and said , " Tomorrow windy . " The next day , there was a gale .

  27. 拍过《刺杀肯尼迪》和《野战排》,这位喜欢直言不讳的导演说华盛顿的反恐战争是美国“控制世界”的幌子。

    The outspoken director of " JFK " and " Platoon " claimed Washington 's war on terror was being used as cover to " dominate the world . "

  28. 一周以后,印度人又来了,他告诉导演说:“明天会有暴风雨。”果然,第二天有暴风雨。

    A week later , the Indian went up to the director again and said , " There will be a storm tomorrow . " The next day there was a storm .

  29. 布兰切特:每次导演说,你得在这场戏里赤裸上身,我都会说:“真的吗?”你得反击,争取权利,去发展自己的角色。

    BLANCHETT When the director says you really need to be topless in this scene , I go , " Do I ? " You have to fight back and claim the right to develop the character .

  30. 这位踏入电影行业已超过25年,并赢得了多项重要大奖(包括凭《当爱来的时候》赢得金马奖最佳剧情片)的导演说,电影人应当更多地将电影用作一个媒介,去揭示社会底层人群所遭遇的挣扎。

    The director -- who has been in the film industry for more than 25 years and has won several major awards , including a Golden Horse award for best feature film for ' When Love Comes ' -- says filmmakers should do more to use movies as a conduit to highlight the struggles facing society 's underdogs .