
  • 网络Great Refuse;The Great Refusal
  1. 今年我已经够幸运的了,收到了大拒绝的回复信。

    This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters .

  2. 马尔库塞提出的“文化大拒绝”的“左”口号,不只是对当代工具合理性的批判,其要害在于他改变了马克思“虚假意识”概念的科学内涵。

    The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool 's rationality , but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised .

  3. CK、拉夫·劳伦(RalphLauren,该品牌近些年没有举办男装秀)和汤米·希尔费格(TommyHilfiger,它偶尔举办)等大品牌拒绝就是否参加纽约男装周发表评论。

    Large labels , including Calvin Klein , Ralph Lauren ( which has not produced a men 's wear show in recent years ) and Tommy Hilfiger ( which has shown intermittently ) declined to comment on whether they would join a New York men 's week .

  4. 意料之中的是,中国的大银行拒绝与这些后起之秀合作,限制了后者能够提供的服务范围。

    Predictably , China 's big banks are refusing to co-operate with the upstarts , limiting the range of services they are able to offer .

  5. 当我年轻出道时,我的自尊心就比较脆弱,有时候对一次大的拒绝要花上数月的时间来恢复。

    When I was just starting out as a young actress , my ego was more fragile , and it sometimes took me months to recover from a major rejection .

  6. 瑞银、德意志银行、citadel和嘉实基金管理有限公司(harvestfundmanagement)等东航大股东均拒绝置评。

    Large CEA shareholders including UBS , Deutsche Bank , citadel , harvest fund management all refused to comment .

  7. 年纪大可不是拒绝养成健康习惯的借口哦!

    An advanced age is no excuse to give up on healthy habits !

  8. 大流量分布式拒绝服务攻击的防御策略研究

    Research on high-rate distributed denial of services attack

  9. 中国第二大船运公司拒绝支付数百万美元的租船费用,这激怒了船东们。

    A second large Chinese shipping company has angered shipowners by withholding charter payments worth millions of dollars .

  10. 首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨拒绝宣读公布情报界举报人名字的审讯问题,该举报导致了对特朗普的弹劾调查。

    Chief Justice John Roberts declined to read a trial question that named the intelligence community whistleblower whose complaint led to the impeachment investigation into Trump .

  11. 中国最好级别的体育官员并没有吹嘘中国代表团在此次伦敦奥运会上争取奖牌的机会有多大,同时拒绝接受《华尔街日报》的采访,还通过本国官方媒体降低外界对中国代表团表现的预期。

    Top Chinese sports officials aren 't boasting about their medal chances in London , declining interviews with The Wall Street Journal and playing down expectations in the state-controlled domestic media .

  12. 由于她的政见,所有好莱坞大制片公司都拒绝用她。

    She was blacklisted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her political views .

  13. 利用基于密钥集序列的消息认证码理论,以动态概率包标记和现代代数理论为基础,针对当前危害甚大的分布式反射拒绝服务攻击,提出了一种新的基于认证的源IP追踪方案。

    Based on the Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication ( HMAC ) with Key Collection Exposure , Dynamic Probabilistic Packet Marking and modern algebraic theoretics , a new Authenticated IP Traceback Scheme against DRDoS / DDoS was proposed .

  14. 直至今年早些时候,一些大出版商还一直拒绝向图书馆出售任何电子书。

    Until earlier this year , some major publishers refused to sell to libraries at all .

  15. 其他经理,包括老雷和大山姆都曾经拒绝过访问。

    Other managers , including Harry Redknapp and Sam Allardyce , have refused to engage with broadcasters on occasion .

  16. s>在大四时他拒绝了微软公司的聘用而选择了去哈佛读物理专业的研究生。

    In his senior year , he rejected a job offer from Microsoft and opted for the physics graduate program at Harvard .

  17. 拒绝服务攻击是网络安全的一大威胁,在拒绝服务攻击的各种防御技术中,源追踪问题的研究一直是近年来的一个研究热点。

    Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDOS ) attack is a big threat of network security . Among every defense countermeasures of DDoS attack , IP traceback is a hot spot pursued by researchers in recent years .

  18. 平民化、喜剧化和青春化成为当前都市文艺的三大特点,同时拒绝超越、逃避责任以及耽于自我也成为当前都市文艺繁荣背后的隐忧。

    The trend towards accommodating common and young people and achieving comedic effects has become three major characteristics of the present city literature and art while refusing progress , evading responsibility and indulging oneself have become secret worries .

  19. 销售部门必须有选择将产品或服务出售给外部而拒绝内部转移的权力。s>在大四时他拒绝了微软公司的聘用而选择了去哈佛读物理专业的研究生。

    The selling division must be free to reject internal business if it prefers to sell outside . In his senior year , he rejected a job offer from Microsoft and opted for the physics graduate program at Harvard .

  20. 当然,最终大首领与其他爱国者的建立成员不同,大首领拒绝了无政府军事主义,而转为拥抱唯意志论。

    In the end though , Big Boss rejects anarcho-militarism and unlike the other founding members of the Patriots , embraces voluntarism .