
  • archangel
  1. 以下是对大天使麦克的采访,通过琳达.迪伦

    Here is the interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon

  2. 这一个认为她是大天使佳播。

    This one thinks that she is the archangel gabriel .

  3. 人们可以把这几种基督能量的要素称为天使,或大天使(arch-angels)。

    One might call these several aspects of the Christ energy angels or arch-angels .

  4. 到这儿来,大天使对实习天使说。

    Come on over here . said the senior angel .

  5. 大天使米迦勒宣布对抗黑暗的战争。

    The Archangel Michael has declared a war against Darkness .

  6. 在一场战斗中,大天使只能使用一次复活。

    Archangels can use Resurrect only once during a combat .

  7. 最高主教狄格拜被当场提拔为大天使。

    Supreme Bishop Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel .

  8. 大天使麦克非常在意区分“揭露”、“显现”和“第一次接触”。

    AAM is very careful to distinguish Disclosure from Decloaking and from First Contact .

  9. 乌列尔据说在大天使中是最机智的。

    Uriel is described as being the swiftest in wisdom of all the Archangels .

  10. 大天使说表露不一定会伴随着一个公然现身一同发生。

    It will not necessarily be accompanied with a Decloaking , AAM has said .

  11. 我是大天使麦克,我此时代表天使界说话。

    I am Archangel Michael and I speak for the angelic realm at this time .

  12. “除了大天使加百列,谁也不会比你更能安慰体贴人了,”思嘉安慰他说。

    " Nobody but the angel Gabriel could have done better ," said Scarlett soothingly .

  13. 大天使就可以睁眼了。

    The archangel shall open his eyes .

  14. 另外,我必须在大天使麦克准备好正式更新前平静下来。

    Other than that , I must be quiet until Christ MIchael prepares a formal update .

  15. 我是大天使麦克,此时来为你们提供指导和支持。

    I am Archangel Michael and I come to guide and support you at this time .

  16. 如果我们带上大天使玩的话,通常要限制大天使的权力:他不能保护自己。

    This is a very powerful character , and we no longer play with one frequently .

  17. 我是大天使麦克!

    I AM the Archangel Michael !

  18. 她也是一个国际知名作家、讲师和完全知觉的大天使麦克尔的灵媒。

    She is also an internationally-known author , lecturer and fully conscious channel for Archangel Michael .

  19. 大天使泰瑞尔一直以来都是我们这一族的恩人,但现在即使是他也帮不了我们。

    The Archangel Tyrael has always been our benefactor , but even he cannot help us now .

  20. 我的问题告知大天使乌列尔“为什么会发生这样的事情,为什么我感到如此的无助”。

    My question to Uriel was why did this happen and why do I feel so helpless .

  21. 守护此门的大天使正为你打开着这宽阔的光之入口。

    The Archangels who guard the way are holding this expansive Portal of Light open for you .

  22. 让它深植于你的内心,并感谢让地球进入神圣合一的大天使。

    Receive it deep within your being , and acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity .

  23. 通过祈祷来提高振动,请指导灵或大天使来引导你。

    Lift your vibration through prayer , inviting the guiding wisdom of your soul and the Archangels to lead you .

  24. 黑龙或许比泰坦强,但即使是泰坦也无法独自打败大天使。(这有联系吗?)

    The Black Dragon may be stronger than a Titan , but not even a Titan could defeat an Archangel without help .

  25. 一天,一个一心想成为大天使的小天使和一个经验丰富的天使在一起。

    One day , a little angel who wanted to be a big angel was spending some time with a more seasoned angel .

  26. 当你的内在做好准备后,你经由大天使提供的入口在此时徜徉,这是令人愉悦的。

    When you have the preparation established within you , it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this time .

  27. 坎迪斯:关于‘星际医生’,是在2005年我做的三次通灵中我们有意地称呼大天使拉斐尔的。

    Candace : Regards the " sky doc ", that is what we purposely called AA Raphael when I did3 pieces with him back in2005 .

  28. 格里塞尔布兰德与大天使阿瓦西几乎在同一时间消失,使人类斯基尔斯达不确定他们的主人还在不在。

    Griselbrand disappeared around the same time that Avacyn did , leaving the humans of the Skirsdag to further his ends in their lord 's absence .

  29. 我是大天使爱瑟瑞尔,我在这全球漫布着悲痛和转变之际代表天使界出现在这里。

    I am Archangel Azriel and I come to you on behalf of the angelic realms at this time of much grief and change across the world .

  30. 爱的大天使拉斐尔,感谢您清理我的身体、安利纽崔莱深海鱼油心灵和生活,使我能阔别毒素,开心健康地生活。

    Dear Archangel Raphael , thank you for cleaning up my body , mind and life so that I may happily and healthfully live free of chemicals .