
wán gù
  • stubborn;obstinate;headstrong;unregenerate (stronghold);be bitterly opposed to change;bitterly opposed to change
顽固 [wán gù]
  • (1) [headstrong;obstinate;stubborn]∶思想愚昧保守,不接受新事物

  • 他所遇到的顽固的抵抗,表明人们的脾气不是那么容易制服的

  • (2) [unregenerate (stronghold);be bitterly opposed to change]∶立场反动,不愿意改变

  • 出于顽固的保守性

顽固[wán gù]
  1. 他非常顽固,而且又铁了心,是不会放弃的。

    He is obstinate and determined and will not give up

  2. 我的朋友非常顽固,而且又铁了心,是不会放弃的。

    My friend is obstinate and determined , and will not give up .

  3. 部分顽固的驾车人无视这项法律。

    A hard core of drivers ignores the law .

  4. 她顽固地拒不承认事实。

    She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth .

  5. 他说话听起来真是个老顽固!

    He sounds like such an old fogey !

  6. 她相当顽固,宗教观念极强。

    She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views

  7. 我父亲的思想非常顽固。

    My father is very rigid in his thinking .

  8. 这种处理方式会清除最顽固的污渍。

    This treatment removes the most stubborn stains

  9. 他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。

    He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism .

  10. 人们对这家人有各种不同的评价:愚蠢、顽固、有种族偏见和无聊透顶,不一而足。

    The family has been described variously as crass , bigoted , racist and plain boring .

  11. 那些人顽固且反动。

    The men are hidebound and reactionary

  12. 他顽固坚持旧观念使得他不受欢迎。

    His rigid adherence to old-fashioned ideas made him unpopular .

  13. 这个顽固的莽汉,不预先考虑,仓促行事。

    The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought .

  14. 改掉旧习惯很不容易,因为它很顽固。

    It 's not easy to break with old habits , for they die hard .

  15. 在严重或顽固性病例中,个别的可用硝酸盐烧灼。

    In severe or refractory cases , cauterization of the individual lesions with nitrate has been used .

  16. 是萨拉·约瑟夫·赫尔写了“玛丽有一只小羊羔”吗?这首不朽的儿歌讲述了一个名叫玛丽的小姑娘和一头顽固的小羊羔的故事。

    Did Sarah Josepha Hale write " Mary 's Little Lamb , " the eternal nursery rhymeabout girl named Mary with a stubborn lamb ?

  17. 殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们吞并的领土

    The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword .

  18. 叛逆'。''性顽固的或藐视性的反抗权威;顽固的''。'叛逆'。''性。

    Obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority ; stubborn rebelliousness . '

  19. 为什么这些过敏症状在花粉季节这么顽固?

    why did these allergy symptoms persist well past the pollen season ?

  20. 但如果他仍顽固拒绝变革,我们就需要一套备用方案

    But if he obdurately resists change , we need a plan B.

  21. 公司内部同时也具有极其顽固的排他性。

    Firms are also doggedly clannish on the inside .

  22. 盲目的顽固是不会让他回心转意的

    A blind streak of stubbornness in him wouldn 't let him back down .

  23. 有另一个有效的方法来镇压那最为顽固、抗命不从的罪人。

    There is another efficacious method for subduing the most obstinate , contumacious sinner .

  24. 失业数字仍然顽固地居高不下。

    Unemployment figures are remaining obstinately high .

  25. 顽固支持流亡国王的人

    diehard supporters of the exiled king

  26. 那人是个老顽固。

    The man is a fossil .

  27. (这些骗子太顽固了!我屏蔽了他们很多次,但他们总是用不同的号码给我打电话。)

    These scammers are so persistent ! I always block them , but they keep calling me with a different number !

  28. CT引导下射频热凝毁损治疗顽固性舌咽神经痛的观察

    CT-guided radiofrequency neurolysis for the treatment of intractable glossopharyngeal neuralgia

  29. CT引导下腹腔神经丛毁损性阻滞治疗顽固性胰腺癌痛的临床观察

    CT-guided neurolytic celiac plexus block for the treatment of intractable pancreatic cancer pain

  30. 慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronicatrophicgastritis,CAG)是一种比较顽固的消化系统常见病、多发病。

    Chronic Atrophic Gastritis ( CAG ) is a common disease in clinic .