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dà hēng
  • big shot;bigwig;magnate;big wig;a big merchant;tycoon;mogul;hitter;big;big wheel;fat cat
大亨 [dà hēng]
  • [magnate;big wig;a big merchant] 旧指在某地区某行业中有财力有势力的人

大亨[dà hēng]
  1. 他是金融界大亨。

    He 's a big shot in the city .

  2. 范肖是商业银行界的大亨。

    Fanshaw is a big shot in merchant banking .

  3. 他们把她与不同的男人扯上关系,包括大亨唐纳德·特朗普。

    They 've linked her with various men , including magnate Donald Trump .

  4. 已故的报业大亨因为残忍地对待员工而遭到谴责。

    The late newspaper tycoon is condemned for his ruthless treatment of employees .

  5. 吉诺从底层社会的无名小卒一步步奋斗成为拥有百万家财的酒店大亨。

    Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier .

  6. 这位已故大亨的儿子们将坐在豪华的办公室里,目睹这个家族帝国崩溃前的痛苦挣扎。

    The dead tycoon 's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire .

  7. 上周凌晨,一股浓烈的气味让“大亨”从睡梦中突然惊醒。

    Last week , in the early hours of the morning , a strong smell suddenly woke Big Boy up from his sleep .

  8. 这些勇敢的后来者可以和垄断赛马冠军的大亨们相抗衡吗?

    Can these plucky12 newcomers compete with the tycoons13 who dominate the sport ?

  9. 那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。

    The tycoon is on the verge of bankruptcy .

  10. 在高级时装大亨中,阿诺尔特在互联网方面同样走在了前面

    Among high-fashion potentates , Arnault has taken an early lead on the Internet .

  11. 一位身份数百万的媒体大亨,坦诚地告诉他全体员工他将暂时搁置他的事业以便参加戒酒班,令员工大为惊愕。

    A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he 's putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program .

  12. 他的徒弟、一心想讨师傅欢心的小精灵帕琪受命离开北极,奔赴大城市纽约派发礼物。但帕琪却卷入了一个卑鄙的玩具大亨的阴谋中,后者想要掌控圣诞市场。

    But when Santa 's eager-to-please elf Patch leaves the North Pole for the big streets of New York City , he becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon 's plans to take over Christmas .

  13. 贾德•库斯纳,《纽约观察家报》(NewYorkObserver)的所有人,地产大亨之子

    Jared Kushner , New York Observer owner , real estate empire scion

  14. .Mr.Big出现了——(他是)商业大亨、典型的梦中情人……而且还不属于我这个圈子。

    It was Mr. Big , major tycoon , major dreamboat ... and majorly out of my league

  15. 挑战如此之多、报酬如此之少,那些加盟过迪拜国际资本(dubaiinternationalcapital)的企业大亨,就不用申请了。

    With so many challenges and so little recompense , corporate titans like those who joined Dubai international capital need not apply .

  16. 对出生于南非的造船大亨章立人(BrianChang)来说,三年前是他最意气风发的时候。

    Three years ago South African-born shipbuilding tycoon Brian Chang was standing tall .

  17. 已故媒体大亨罗伯特•马克斯韦尔(RobertMaxwell)的愤怒则是史诗级别的。

    The wrath of Robert Maxwell , the late media tycoon , was epic .

  18. 这对于堪称诺华金矿公司幕后推动力量的金矿开采业投资大亨、亿万富翁汤姆·卡普兰(TomKaplan)来说,情况不容乐观。

    Not promising for Tom Kaplan , the billionaire gold mining magnate who is the driving force of Novagold .

  19. 2006年,亲北京的香港大亨霍英东(henryfok)逝世,享年83岁。

    In 2006 , Henry Fok , a prominent pro-Beijing magnate , died at the age of 83 .

  20. 2013年,澳大利亚矿业大亨兼教授克莱夫·帕默以及他的bluestar有限公司在纽约召开了新闻发布会,向社会各界公布了“泰坦尼克二号”的设计蓝图。

    Australian mining billionaire / professor Clive Palmer and his Blue Star Line Company held a press conference in New York City to reveal the blueprints for Titanic II in 2013 .

  21. 传媒大亨鲁伯特默多克在Twitter上发表评论表示:Facebook成就辉煌,不过750亿-1000亿美元估值真的会让苹果公司看起来很廉价。

    Facebook a brilliant achievement , but $ 75 - $ 100bn ? Would make Apple look really cheap , said Rupert Murdoch on Twitter .

  22. 《大卫•格芬实话实说》(DavidGeffenUnplugged)这篇报道还原了这位美国娱乐界大亨的真实面貌。

    " David Geffen unplugged " is a revealing portrait of an American entertainment icon .

  23. 据报道,香港大亨方铿4月份就开始考虑售股,并已聘请汇丰控股(HSBCHoldings)担任售股交易顾问。

    The Hong Kong tycoon reportedly began to consider selling the stake in April and hired HSBC Holdings to advise on the sale .

  24. 在1996年去世之前,香港纺织业大亨罗定邦(LawTing-pong)手写了一封意愿书,他在里面表达了一种愿望:“慎始者必慎于终”。

    Before his death in 1996 , the Hong Kong textile tycoon Law Ting-pong handwrote a letter of wishes in which he expressed the hope that " those who are careful at the beginning would also be careful to the end . "

  25. 1978年,哈格曼在电视剧《朱门恩怨》中饰演德克萨州石油大亨JR尤鹰。

    In 1978 , he played the formidable Texas oil baron JR Ewing on Dallas .

  26. 香港大亨李嘉诚(lika-shing)控股的tom在线(tomonline),去年便成为这种监管不确定性的几个受害者之一。

    Tom online , which is controlled by the Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing , was one of several companies that fell victim to such regulatory uncertainty last year .

  27. 中信指控这位矿业大亨通过Mineralogy非法利用1200万美元为他的竞选活动融资。

    Citic has accused the mining magnate of misusing $ 12m through his company Mineralogy to finance his election campaign .

  28. 至少在周三晚间中国中央电视台(ChinaCentralTelevision)播放的采访视频中,地产大亨、微博名人潘石屹在回答问题时就显得有些费力。

    Evidence of just how jittery at least one of them is arrived on Wednesday night , when state-run China Central Television broadcast footage of real estate mogul and microblogging megastar Pan Shiyi struggling to answers questions in an interview .

  29. 在亚洲,为大亨融资是一个利润丰厚并迅速增长的业务,吸引着包括高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内摩拳擦掌的投行挤入。

    Financing tycoons is a lucrative and growing business in Asia that is tempting investment banks including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to muscle in .

  30. 香港大亨李泽楷(RichardLi)已同意以5亿美元左右的价格,收购美国国际集团(AIG)旗下的资产管理业务,标志着他从传媒和电信等主营业务有所转向。

    Richard Li , the Hong Kong tycoon , has agreed to buy AIG 's asset management operation for about $ 500m in a departure from his media-to-telecoms businesses .