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  1. 萧统对书信体作品非常重视,在编选《文选》时,收录的建安时期书信体作品最多。

    Xiao Tong attached such great importance to letters that while compiling Selected Literature he put a great many letters of Jian an period in it .

  2. 从建安时代赋体文学对诗歌的渗透出发,详细阐释魏晋时期拟诗兴起的原因及魏晋拟诗的发展过程和艺术特征;

    Fit era compose body literature infiltration in poem set out , explain period plan reason that poem rise and draft evolution and artistic characteristic of poem the Wei Jin Dynasty such as in detail building ;

  3. 建安时代,各体文学都有新的发展,呈现出新面貌。

    Jian'an era , all kinds of literary forms took on a new look with their new development .