
  • 网络Feng Shui Architecture
  1. 中国古代民居中的建筑风水文化&江西万载周家大屋考察

    The Culture about Architectural Geomantic Omen in Archaic House in China

  2. 探讨传统建筑风水理论与现代景观设计学说的映照

    Fengshui Theory of Traditional Architecture and Modern Landscape Design Theory Mapping

  3. 浅论建筑风水文化的内涵与实用功能

    On Meaning and Practical Function of Architectural Feng Shui Culture

  4. 风水罗盘就是这样一种用于建筑风水的占卜工具。

    The magnetic compass was invented in China for use by Feng Shui practitioners .

  5. 应该用辩证唯物主义的观点来看待住宅建筑风水文化,取其精华、弃其糟粕。

    Should use the dialectical materialism view of the residence is geomantic culture and its essence to the dregs .

  6. 试图从建筑风水的角度来阐述居住建筑环境如何更适合人。

    From the view of geomantic omen , this paper deals with how to arrange the architectural environment so as to be the most suitable for the human living .

  7. 本文论述了作为有生命的、动态的、变化的生命体,植物是如何与建筑风水相互作用的,以及风水理论中植物配置的原则和方法。

    This paper discusses the interaction between building environment and plants which is the living , dynamic changing organisms , and the principle of plants distribution based on geomantic configuration .

  8. 陕西明、清文庙建筑受风水理论的影响,都选择城市中的吉地而建,大多数在城市的东南部,也有居城市中部的。

    Influenced by the geomantic theory , most of Confucian Temple is located in the southeastern cities , and also in central cities .

  9. 石材是目前最高档次的建筑装饰材料,风水球则是装饰石材中的高档产品,主要用在现代城市广场的动感装饰。

    Decoration applying with natural stone materials is a fashion at present , as stone materials are the first grade building decoration materials and stone balls are among them .

  10. 本文以福建闽清“宏琳厝”古民居建筑为主体对象进行研究,分析其建筑风水文化和建筑符号文化。

    With Minqing " Honglincuo " as the main object of the architecture , the cultures of architectural geomancy and architectural symbols are analyzed .

  11. 分析中国传统风水理论对佛教建筑的影响,探讨了佛教建筑与普通建筑在风水方面的异同之处以及两种不同文化在建筑上的交流与碰撞。

    The paper analyses the impact of China 's traditional geomantic omen theory on Buddhism buildings and probes into the similarities and differences between Buddhism buildings and secular buildings in geomantic omen .

  12. 全文内容以自然之力在景观与建筑设计中的应用为主线,从建筑材料、风水理论、传统技术到现代设计概念的提出与应用,总结出其文化性、地域性特征。

    Full-text content with a force of nature in landscape and architectural design as the main line . From building materials , theory of feng shui , the traditional to the modern design concept and application . Summed up its cultural and regional characteristics .

  13. 通过对书院的文化教育和建筑环境特色的阐述,分析了书院在场址选择、建筑风水、总体布局、建筑风格、园林景观等方面对现代大学校园建筑环境建设的影响和启示。

    This article , through an illustration of the cultural education and the characteristic construct , analyses the influence and apocalypse to modern campus in choosing the location , architecture geomantic omen , overall arrangement , architecture style and landscape .