
  • 网络construction bonds;BABs
  1. 2006年中国铁路建设债券发行完毕。

    China Railway succeeds in issuing construction bonds in2006 .

  2. 当前的铁路建设债券是以铁道部为发行主体、以铁路建设基金作为抵押,不是一种规范的企业债券;

    The railway construction bonds are issued by Ministry of Railways and make the railway construction fund as collateral .

  3. 公路建设债券融资方式探析

    A Probe of the Possibility of Bond Financing in Highway Construction

  4. 文中比较了不同融资方式的融资成本,还探讨了地方政府发行城市建设债券的可行性和必要性。

    The thesis compares the cost of the different financing waies and discusses the feasibility and necessity to issue the fund of city construction .

  5. 推行土地征用年租制,积极探索发行土地债券和城市基础设施建设债券;

    Others include applying the system of annual-rent , exploring actively the issue of the land bonds and the bonds of urban infrastructure construction .

  6. 我们计划改变投资方法,实行土地差价,发行城市建设债券和股票,引进外资。

    We plan to change the method of investment by instituting land price differentials , issuing urban construction bonds and shares , and introducing foreign capital .

  7. 年初,国家决定发行用于基础设施和农林水利建设债券各250亿元。

    At the beginning of the year , the State decided to issue 25 billion Yuan for infrastructure and 25 billion Yuan for agriculture , forestry and water conservancy construction bond .

  8. 经北京市人民政府批准,可以免购国家重点建设债券。

    A new-technology enterprise may , upon approval by the People 's Government of the Beijing Municipality , be exempted from buying the bonds for key construction projects issued by the State .

  9. 所谓“建设美国债券”(buildamericabonds)计划的进展,也改善了融资环境。

    The development of so-called build America bonds has also improved financing conditions .

  10. 河北省城市基础设施建设企业债券融资问题

    Study on the Enterprise Bond financing for City ′ s Infrastructure Construction in Hebei

  11. 借鉴美国花旗银行为墨西哥金融分享公司发行债券的经验,实现农村长期建设资金债券的发行,进行资产证券化的创新。

    We can use experience that Citibank of the United States issues bonds for Mexico financial share companies to achieve the issue of rural long-term construction funds and bonds , and asset securitization innovations .

  12. 毋庸置疑,投资者的信赖和参与是债券市场得以发展和繁荣的生命线,要加快建设和完善债券市场制度,就必须充分重视建设和完善对债券投资者权益保护的法律制度。

    There is no doubt that trustworthiness from investors is the lifeblood of the bond market , so a mature bond market will be built only if great attention has been attached to the investors protection .

  13. 城市建设中地方政府债券融资模式研究

    Research on Bond Financing Pattern of Local Government in Urban Construction

  14. 文章从机构投资者和个人投资者两个层面的市场建设对未来交易所债券市场发展提出了建议。

    Finally , this paper gives some suggestions about the future development of stock exchange bond market from angles of institutional investor and individual investor .

  15. 进一步规范和壮大民营企业,加强债券市场各项制度建设,是发展债券市场的必要保障。

    This paper points out that we should both standardize private enterprises and strengthen the construction of bond market system , and finally , the mutual promoting phase will come .

  16. 扩大北京市城市建设资金来源发行城市建设债券势在必行

    Issuing local public bonds is inevitable trend for broadening and collaborating financial resources in Beijing