
  • 网络The inflation tax
  1. 铸币税作为政府收入的重要来源与通货膨胀税有着紧密联系,是金融风险的诱因之一。

    Seigniorage , as an important resource of government revenue , has a close contact with inflation tax , and is an inducement of financial risk .

  2. 通货膨胀税:在工资随通货膨胀上涨而提高但税收的起征点不变的情况下所增付的所得税。黄金价格低,而且将保持很多年(无通货膨胀),但迟早它会看涨的。

    Inflation tax : Increased income tax paid as wages rise with inflation But tax thresholds remain constant . Gold is very low and will be for many years ( no inflation ) but its day will come .

  3. 核心货币国家收取铸币收益、通货膨胀税和来自外围货币国家的贸易保险费用。

    The core currency system harvests seigniorage profit by issuing international trade dollars , exports inflation without restrictions and fees from outer currency countries for their trade security concern .

  4. 而这需要中国提高工资水平、对人民币重新估值,最重要的是,中国应当降低人为低利率水平下、居民向借款人支付的巨额隐形通货膨胀税。

    This requires China to increase wages , revalue the renminbi and , most importantly , reduce the enormous tax that households implicitly pay to borrowers in the form of artificially low interest rates .

  5. 再次,运用多元回归分析方法对物业税税基进行定量分析,并结合房地产价格指数和通货膨胀指数确定物业税的税基,并从税基评估立法以及申诉机制建立两方面探讨税基评估配套体系的构建。

    Thirdly , this paper uses multiple regression analysis method to analyze the property tax base , and combines with real estate prices and inflation index to define property tax base , and explores supporting system construction base assessment from the tax assessment legislation and complaint mechanism .