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yīn píng
  • high and level tone, the first of the four tones in modern standard Chinese pronunciation;high and level tone of modern standard Chinese pronunciation
阴平 [yīn píng]
  • [high and level tone of modern standard Chinese pronunciation] 中国普通话字调的第一声

阴平[yīn píng]
  1. 束马悬车不易行,崎岖险道出阴平。

    Ma car is not easy hanging beam line , ruggedyin ping out insurance .

  2. 阴阳调和所要达到的目的环是阴平阳秘。

    The purpose of the balance of yin and yang is to achieve equilibrium between them .

  3. 语体与外语教学此外还得出了普通话的半上实际是一个低平调的结论,并探明了普通话高平调(阴平)和低平调(半上)间存在连续感知。

    Speech register and English teaching Besides , we probe that Putonghua has two level tones , which are continuous perceived by high and low register .

  4. 中医通过调整气血、阴阳,使身体达到阴平阳秘,精神乃至的状态,在本病的治疗中显示出独特的优势。

    Chinese medcine adjust Qi-Blood , Yin-Yang , to make the body " yin and yang in harmonious , spirit will be peaceful ", displays unique advantages in treating SPT .

  5. 选择巨刺其健侧肢体,刺激的健侧经络腧穴,从而激发患侧经络的功能以调节阴阳达到阴平阳秘的作用。

    Choose giant stab the health body to stimulate the rehabilitation lateral bilateral meridian , which can inspire feishu of primary function of Yin and Yang meridians to adjust to " sound Yin and firm yang " role .

  6. 两字组的分析和描写主要涉及两字组连调的调式、连调规律、连调模式、异调同读、阴平字探讨等方面。

    The analysis and description on the disyllabic compounding patters mainly involve in the several aspects , such as the tone forms , rule of tone sandhi , mode of the sandhi , same sound from the different tone , high and leve tone and so on .

  7. 相对于单字调,韩国学生两字调的偏误比较广泛:阴平呈下降势,阳平上不去,半三声不降反升,去声高平或降不到位等等。

    Adjusted relative to one word tone , two word tone Korean students more extensive errors : first tone downward trend , second tone can not go up , half third tone rise , not fall , fourth tone is in place high flat tone or not more down .