首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 一来二去,我摸着一些门道:有的喜阴,就别放在太阳地里,有的喜干,就别多浇水。

    Some flowers should not be put in the sun for they love shadowy places , while some should not be watered too much for they love to maintain dry .

  2. 但是如果把阳跟阴分开,就变成两个平台了,那就合不起来了。

    However , if Yin and Yang are split individually , it becomes two platforms and it could not close up .

  3. 窗外阴沉沉的,就要下雨,挂钟冷漠地发出响声,我烦躁地在空旷的屋子里走来走去,却只能听到自己的脚步声。

    The sky was gloomily cloudy and was going to rain . I stood at the window with the wall clock chiming coldly . I walked restlessly back and forth in the vacant room , only to hear my own footsteps .