
jiǎo zhènɡ jiào yù
  • remedial education
  1. 第二段内容是贯彻教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持教育为主,惩罚为辅的原则,强调根据失足少年的特殊性,采取特殊的矫正教育方法。

    Second paragraph of the content is to implement the education , supplemented by the principle of punishment , emphasizing the special nature of the juvenile under the slip , take special remedial education methods .

  2. 生活指导:工读学校矫正教育的基础

    Life Guiding & the Basis for Righting Education in Reform Schools

  3. 少年院经过百余年的发展,在不断摸索矫正教育的方法的过程中起到了举足轻重的作用。

    For over a hundred years after the development of trial and error , Reformatory has played an increasingly important role in the correction process of education .

  4. 第二段内容认为将社会力量引入对失足少年的矫正教育是报应刑论发展到教育刑论的必然要求。

    The contents of the second paragraph of the introduction of the social forces that will slip juvenile correction education is the development of retribution to the education of the inevitable punishment of requirements .

  5. 笔者认为政府作用的范围主要是弥补和矫正教育市场失灵,即主要是矫正局限性教育市场失灵、缺陷性教育市场失灵和负面性教育市场失灵。

    The author argue that the function of the state lies in rectifying the educational market failure , that is rectifying limited educational market failure , defective educational market failure , negative educational market failure .

  6. 第一段内容从法社会学的观点出发,认为社会对失足少年走上犯罪道路有着不可推卸的责任,因此社会对失足少年应承担起矫正教育的职责。

    First paragraph of the content from the viewpoint of sociology of law , that society has slipped juvenile criminal career can not shirk its responsibility , so the community should take on the slip juvenile correction education responsibilities .

  7. 重点探讨大学生良好行为塑造和不良行为矫正的教育方法。

    The educational methods to make undergraduates form good habits and rectify bad behaviors have been emphatically clarified in this paper .

  8. 经过漫长的历史发展,监狱建筑已由过去的惩戒罪犯、囚禁罪犯的环境,逐渐发展成为集惩戒和改造、矫正与教育为一体的场所,兼有医院、学校和工场等功能。

    After a long history of development , prison construction has been in the past , criminals were forced to the environment and development to become a disciplined and transformation , corrective and education in one place , with the functions of hospitals , schools and workshops .

  9. 人类对犯罪的反应经历了报复刑、威慑刑、等价刑(报应刑)、矫正刑(教育刑)、折衷刑几种方式。

    The response to crime has gone through many methods such as retaliative punishment , deterrent punishment , retributive punishment , correctional punishment and eclectic punishment .

  10. 其中教育机制的建立包括教育目的更新化(心灵的自由)、教育的公平正义化(有教无类)及教育行为的矫正(交往教育、阅读教育、体验教育)。

    The educational mechanism include aims of education updated ( freedom in heart ), justice of Education ( make no social distinctions in teaching ) and education behavior correction ( communication education , reading education , experience education ) .

  11. 由于社区矫正契合了教育刑、行刑社会化等理念而在英美等国家迅速发展,但是社区矫正在我国还属新生事物。

    Community correction has been developing rapidly in Britain , the Unites States , and other countries because it is compatible with the philosophy of Educational Punishment , Socialized Execution , etc. while the same is still a new thing in our country .

  12. 它跳出了原有的思想模式,形成新思想的坐标,是对现代学校体育思想的一种矫正,是现代教育对学校体育目的科学的表述。

    Modernization of quality education has jumped out from the former pattern of ideology and formed the coordinate of new thinking . It corrects current ideology of school PE and expresses scientifically the aim of modern education at school PE .

  13. 对矫正对象的矫治教育是社区矫正工作的核心内容,贯穿于社区矫正工作的全过程,是提高矫正质量、实现矫正目标的重要基础和根本保证。

    The correction education on the object is the core throughout the work of the whole process of Community Correction , which is the important basis and the fundamental guarantee of improving the quality of correction and achieving the correction aim .

  14. 针对施暴者不同的暴力行为类型,笔者提出不同的心理疏导和行为矫正方法,最终形成家庭暴力施暴者暴力行为矫正教育的叙事治疗模式。

    In the light of different conduct type , the author address different psychology consult and behavior rectify method , then to form the narrate therapy on domestic violence behavior and rectify education .