
  • 网络Summerhill;summerhill school
  1. 英国夏山学校教育人类学考察

    An Investigation of Educational Anthropology in Summerhill School in England

  2. 但是,今天的夏山学校没有1921年时那么时髦了。

    But Summerhill is no more fashionable now than it was in 1921 .

  3. 夏山学校赢下了官司,而在最近一份由政府巡视员2007年出具的报告中,获得了压倒性的好评。

    Summerhill won , and its last report from government inspectors , in 2007 , was overwhelmingly favourable .

  4. 现在的问题是,实际上与1921年的时候相比,夏山学校可能更赶不上时代步伐了。

    The problem is that Summerhill may actually be even more out of tune with the times than it was in 1921 .

  5. 认为夏山学校没有规矩乃是一种错觉:对于让孩子享受自由和允许他们干涉别人,尼尔作了严格的区分。在英国,可能没有哪所学校的校规手册比夏山学校更厚了。

    It is an illusion that Summerhill has no rules : Neill made a firm distinction between allowing children their own freedom and allowing them to interfere with anyone else 's. There probably isn 't a school in the country with a thicker rule book .

  6. 这所学校是受到美国瑟谷学校的启发,而瑟谷学校又是受到英国AS奈尔夏山学校的启发。自从一月份建校以来,蒙卡兹就不断收到新西兰各地和国外请求开立丛林学校分校的请求,这其中也有来自中国和欧洲的请求。

    Loosely inspired by the Sudbury Valley School in the US , which in turn was inspired by A.S Neill 's Summerhill school in the UK , since launching in January Moncarz has been fielding requests from around New Zealand and abroad to open chapters of Bush School in places as far afield as China and Europe .