
xià zhuāng
  • summer clothing;summer wear
夏装 [xià zhuāng]
  • [summer clothing] 夏衣

夏装[xià zhuāng]
  1. 姑娘们都穿着夏装。

    The girls were all in their summer clothing .

  2. 领部开口量对女夏装热湿舒适性影响的主客观评价

    Objective and subjective evaluation on the influence of neckline of female 's summer clothing on heat-moisture comfort

  3. 我们把夏装收藏起来了。

    We packed away the summer clothes .

  4. 体形较丰满的人穿夏装总是不那么好看。

    Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures .

  5. 这些夏装看上去有复古风范。

    There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer .

  6. 她妈妈穿着一件深色印花夏装。

    Her mother wore one of her dark summer prints

  7. 夏装的款式常常是秋装的预兆。

    Summer styles are often a foretaste of autumn fashion .

  8. 反季淘指的是为了省钱而在反季大减价的时候购买衣服,在夏季买冬衣或在冬季买夏装。

    Off-season shopping describes purchasing winter clothing in summer or the other way around to save money in big off-season discounts .

  9. 这只名叫妮娜(Nina)的小狗立刻蜷在我的脚边,把我的夏装长裙当成了保护伞。

    The puppy her name was Nina immediately curled at my feet , under the protection of my long summer skirt .

  10. 乔治娜于2016年6月在马德里市中心的古驰店与C罗相遇,当时C罗在乔治娜工作的店里购买夏装。后来乔治娜在世界杯期间亮出了她价值61.5万英镑的钻戒,订婚传闻就此传开。

    Georgina , who met Cristiano in June 2016 at the Gucci store in central Madrid she worked at when he was shopping for summer clothes , sparked engagement rumours at the World Cup by showing off a stunning 615000 pounds diamond ring .

  11. 当莫杜建议杰米本顿(jamiebenton)用羊毛而不是亚麻来制作他的夏装时,这位城市地产代理商感到十分惊讶。

    Jamie Benton , a city - based property agent , was surprised when Modoo suggested wool , not linen , for his summer suit .

  12. 这位备受欢迎的英国女孩莉莉·唐纳森曾担任过“Vogue”这类时尚杂志的封面女郎,她展示了自己性感迷人的夏装,身着一件白色半透明的抹胸连衣裙参加了此次活动。

    British golden girl , Lily Donaldson - who has been a cover girl for the likes of Vogue - showcased her own sultry take on summer style , wearing a white semi-sheer , strapless dress to the event .

  13. 我们得在八月前卖完这些夏装。

    We need to turn over these summer fashions by August .

  14. 先生,什么样的衣服,冬装还是夏装?

    What kind of suit , sir , summer or winter ?

  15. 她穿上艳丽的夏装成了引人注目的人物。

    She was an arresting figure in her bright summer dress .

  16. 麻编凉鞋配上休闲夏装,真正柔和搭配。

    Woven flax sandals and leisure summer dress match well indeed .

  17. 我们知道贵公司新的夏装系列即将上市。

    We know your new summer series will come into the market .

  18. 新的夏装陈列在橱窗里。

    New summer dresses are shown in the show windows .

  19. 全国检察系统夏装衬衣面料的开发

    Development of the Summer Shirt Fabric for China 's Procurator

  20. 这些可能将是很流行的夏装用料。

    These will probably be most popular for summer wear .

  21. 他穿着一套淡色夏装兴冲冲地或出乎意料地走了进来。

    He breezed in , wearing a light summer suit .

  22. 上班族们开始夏装大采购了吗?

    Shopping for summer clothes to wear to work ?

  23. 新武夏装目前正在各大商店展出。

    The latest summer fashions are now on view in the big shops .

  24. 士兵们通常一年发一套冬装和两套夏装。

    The soldier usually received one winter and two summer uniforms a year .

  25. 下一步,她到市区一家店物色一件夏装。

    Next she looked for a new summer dress from a shop downtown .

  26. 你要到明年才能穿夏装。

    You won 't get any wear out of it until next year !

  27. 这些女士参加游园会以炫耀她们的夏装。

    The woman went to the garden party to display their summer toilet .

  28. 那件粉红色夏装增加了玛丽的魅力。

    The pink summer dress lent charm to Mary .

  29. 一天我在整理去年的夏装。

    The other day , I was sorting my summer wardrobe from last year .

  30. 火柴突然燃着她身上薄薄的夏装。

    A match ignited her light summer dress .