
  • Charlotte's Web
  1. 晨雾中,夏洛的网显得异常的绮丽。

    On foggy mornings , Charlotte 's web was truly a thing of beauty .

  2. 他用手来回揉了揉眼睛,死死地盯向夏洛的网。

    He brushed his hand across his eyes and stared harder at Charlotte 's web .

  3. CHARLOTTE'SWEB《夏洛的网》这个广为流传的故事发生在一个农场,讲述了一只名叫威尔伯的小猪和他的挚友夏洛的故事。蜘蛛夏洛通过在自己织的网里写出威尔伯的故事,成功地拯救了威尔伯的生命。

    The widely read tale takes place on a farm and concerns a pig named Wilbur and his devoted friend Charlotte , the spider who manages to save his life by writing about him in her web .

  4. 人们从四面八方赶来看威伯,读着夏洛的网里的字。

    People came from miles around to look at Wilbur and to read the words on Charlotte 's web .

  5. 一只刚才在威伯的食槽边上爬的苍蝇飞了起来,却愚蠢地碰上了夏洛的网,被那些粘粘的丝线缠住了。

    A fly that had been crawling along Wilbur 's trough had flown up and blundered into the lower part of Charlotte 's web and was tangled in the sticky threads .

  6. 我甚至尚未读过《夏洛的网》。

    I hadn 't even read Charlotte 's Web yet .

  7. 那夏洛的网里面的老鼠呢?

    What about the rat in Charlotte 's Web ?

  8. 儿童文学翻译中的选择与顺应:《夏洛的网》两个汉译本个案研究

    Selection and Adaptation in the Translation of Children 's Literature : A Case Study of Two Chinese Versions of Charlotte 's Web