
  1. 匹诺曹乡村厨房(PinocchioVillageKitchen)的装饰完全是提洛尔风格的,菜单包括猪肉拉面和意式海鲜千层面。

    At Pinocchio Village Kitchen , the d é cor was wipe-down Tyrolean , and the menu included pork ramen and seafood lasagna .

  2. 难道没有人记得起匹诺曹(Pinocchio)了吗?

    Doesn 't anyone remember Pinocchio ?

  3. 匹诺曹你一定要记住蓝仙子说的话

    Pinocchio , you must remember what the blue fairy said .

  4. 等等匹诺曹我和你一起去

    Hhang on , Pinocchio . I 'll come with you .

  5. 我比我想象中更像匹诺曹

    I was a lot more like Pinocchio than I thought .

  6. 是匹诺曹的故事每个人都知道故事结局是什么

    The story 's about Pinocchio . Everyone knows how that ends .

  7. 我不是为你来的匹诺曹

    I 'm not here because of you , Pinocchio .

  8. 盖比特看看你给匹诺曹树了什么坏榜样

    Geppetto , think about the example you 're setting for Pinocchio .

  9. 在那次痛苦的失败之后,“匹诺曹”这几年又活跃了起来。

    This Pinocchio has come alive in the years since that painful defeat .

  10. 匹诺曹也必须过去不然谁都别去

    Pinocchio goes through ... or no one does .

  11. 一个真的男孩,就像匹诺曹一样。

    A real live boy like that pinocchio .

  12. 匹诺曹以前并不是真人

    Pinocchio wasn 't always a real boy .

  13. 你和匹诺曹有缘走到一起

    You and Pinocchio have found each other .

  14. 是你干的吗匹诺曹

    Did you do this , Pinocchio ?

  15. 有棵被施了魔法的树很像你做匹诺曹的那棵

    There is an enchanted tree , much like the one you carved Pinocchio from .

  16. 你是要我相信你是童话故事里的角色吗匹诺曹

    You 're asking me to believe that you are a fairy tale character ? Pinocchio .

  17. 事实上匹诺曹只有说真话才能变成真人但是他没有

    Actually , Pinocchio could only become real if he told the truth , and he couldn 't.

  18. 只有一种办法可行,那就是匹诺曹测试法。

    There 's only one sure way to find out , and that 's the Pinocchio test .

  19. 像童话故事中的匹诺曹一样,他每说一次谎话,鼻子就会变长。

    Like Pinocchio , he suffers from a nose that grows longer every time he tells a lie .

  20. 现实教育了匹诺曹,他发誓走遍天涯海角也要找到爸爸。

    The reality educated Pinoccio , and he swore to find his father no matter where he was .

  21. 当然,对于撒谎、行为不端的匹诺曹来说,这是一场艰苦的战斗。

    This , of course , proves to be an uphill battle for the lying , misbehaving Pinocchio .

  22. 最近,波音公司的787梦幻客机停飞,空中客车竟然用匹诺曹的鼻子来形容竞争对手的飞机。

    As Boeing deals with 787 Dreamliner delays , Airbus has taken to depicting its planes with a Pinocchio nose .

  23. 周一,有人在离大草坪不远的地方竖起了一张布什的超大图片,上面的布什长了个匹诺曹的长鼻子。

    On Monday , not far from the Mall , someone erected a big blow-up Bush with a Pinocchio nose .

  24. 我会把衣柜做好的但我有一个条件第二个位置我要留给匹诺曹

    I will build your wardrobe , on one condition ... If Pinocchio can take the second spot in it .

  25. 匹诺曹霸王龙就是一些工人在一个新的工业园开挖的时候发现的。

    In the case of the so-called Pinocchio Rex , it was discovered by some workers digging a new industrial park .

  26. 这些画稿中有两张分别是七个小矮人中的害羞鬼和万事通,另外还有一张是没签名的匹诺曹。

    The sketches were of two of the seven dwarfs , Bashful and Doc , along with an unsigned sketch of Pinocchio .

  27. 原版故事中的匹诺曹不只是淘气,还杀死了试图给他提供明智建议的会说话的蟋蟀,后来更是虐待了他的鬼魂。

    Not merely mischievous , the original Pinocchio murders the talking cricket that tries to give him wise advice and later abuses his ghost .

  28. 消息引起了全球媒体的关注,更何况这一新发现物种还因为它的大鼻子获得了一个生动的绰号:匹诺曹霸王龙。

    The news has captured global headlines , especially given the vividness of the new critter 's nickname , the Pinocchio Rex , after its big nose .

  29. 但有时谎言就像匹诺曹的鼻子一样越来越长导致很难分辨什么是现实与虚幻

    But at some point , like pinocchio 's nose , the lies just keep growing until it 's hard to tell what 's real and what 's not .

  30. 匹诺曹新的世界里会有许多诱惑只要你一直勇敢诚实无私你就不会失败

    There will be many temptations in this new world , Pinocchio , but as long as you remain brave , truthful , and unselfish , you will not fail .