
  • 网络matching degree;fit;compatibility
  1. 采用BP神经网络设计了管理人员能岗匹配度计算函数。

    The BP neutral network function is employed to calculate manager competency-position fit degree .

  2. 对于ERP使用行为,工作-系统匹配度和主观行为规范比使用意向更有解释力;

    More than intention of usage , the Work-System Fit and subjective norms can better explain user behaviors ;

  3. 为评估动态组合Web服务的语义匹配度提供技术上的支持。

    This algorithm provides the technical support for evaluating the semantic matchmaking degree of dynamic Web services composition . 4 .

  4. 同时在传统单个Web服务参数语义匹配度确定的基础上,提出了一种新的确定整个Web服务的匹配策略。

    Based on traditional single Web Service parameter semantics matching , this thesis proposed a novel matching strategy for Web Services .

  5. 提高工作-系统匹配度将会显著提高企业ERP系统效用。

    Improvement of the Work-System Fit can significantly improve the utility of ERP .

  6. 结果CAD分析显示假体与股骨平均匹配度为23.2%,骨损伤率0.033%。

    Results 23.2 % hip-bone average matching rate and 0.033 % bone damage rate were presented by CAD analysis .

  7. 在此基础上,从这三个层次计算Web服务接口的语义匹配度,提出了多层次Web服务接口语义匹配模型。

    Based on the semantic description model , by computing the semantic similarity between service interfaces from these three levels , the multi-level Web service matching model is proposed .

  8. 分析了Web服务发现面临的问题和语义Web服务发现基本算法的不足,进行了语义本体的设计,通过实例研究服务注册机制,并基于语义匹配度的定义和计算深入研究了语义Web服务匹配算法。

    Through analyzing deficiency of discovery basic algorithm on semantic web services and designing semantic ontology , it studies service matching algorithm on semantic Web Services based on definition and calculation on semantic matching degree .

  9. 对所有备选人脸图像先做网格平移计算出粗匹配度(CMS);

    To all candidate face images , do grid translation and calculate corresponding Coarse Matching Score ( CMS ) at first .

  10. 为用户可定制的条件分配权值并规定每个条件的匹配度。当总体匹配度低于某个阈值时进行Web服务组合,同时为组合成功的Web复合服务生成规范的BPEL文档。

    Allocating weights and regulating the matching degrees for the customized conditions , then composing web services and generating BPEL document after composition when overall matching degree falls below a threshold value .

  11. 身高6英尺4英寸(1.93米),体重91千克,手臂和上身修长的肌肉男和男演员瑞安·雷诺兹(RyanReynolds)有着75%的匹配度。

    And a 6 '4 " ( 193cm ) muscular man with long arms , a long torso , who weighs 91kg is a 75 per cent match with actor Ryan Reynolds .

  12. 在场景渲染中,定义了场景描述文件,收集3D模型,提出模型预处理步骤和方法,参照全文检索原理,提出获取属性信息的属性匹配度算法,并在场景组织中提出路径规划的方法。

    In the phrase of rendering scene , this research defines the scene description file , collects 3D models , proposes the method of preprocessing models , the property matching algorithm according to the principle of full text retrieval , the algorithm of path planning in rendering scene .

  13. 身高5英尺4英寸(1.63米),体重60千克,苹果型身材且上身较短,臂长正常的女性和女演员斯嘉丽·约翰逊(ScarlettJohansson)的身材匹配度为69%。

    And a 5 '4 " ( 163cm ) , apple-shaped woman with a short body , regular arms , who weighs 60kg is a 69 per cent match with actress Scarlett Johansson .

  14. 另一方面,身高5英尺6英寸(1.67米),体重77千克,椭圆型身材,手臂比较短的男士,显然与歌手路易斯·汤姆林森(LouisTomlinson)相像,匹配度为50%。

    Meanwhile , a 5 '6 " ( 167 cm ) man weighing 77kg with an oval body shape and short arms is 50 per cent doppelganger of singer Louis Tomlinson , apparently .

  15. 作者试图由统计数字发现匹配度与TRADOS输出质量之间的关系。

    By making the statistics , the author wants to find out the relation between the match value and the output quality of TRADOS .

  16. 因此,本研究引入个人-组织价值观匹配度作为中介变量,来研究绩效薪酬、组织公民行为(OCB)和任务绩效之间的关系。

    Therefore , this research introduces the match degree of person-organization values as an intervening variable to study the relation among Performance-based Pay , Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) and employees ' task performance .

  17. 最后,结合电路的特殊要求,综合考虑版图的匹配度、寄生效应和可靠性等因素的前提下,完成了改进后放大电路的版图设计,并通过了DRC、LVS版图验证。

    Finally , combining with especial requirement of circuit , on the condition of considering match 、 parasitic and reliability , the improved circuit layout design is finished and DRC 、 LVS verification are succeeded .

  18. IAC/InterActiveCorp.旗下约会网站OkCupid的总裁拉德(ChristianRudder)近期在一篇博客中披露,该网站通过夸大两位用户的匹配度来操控信息流,以此鼓励用户更多地使用其服务。

    Christian Rudder , president of IAC / InterActiveCorp . 's OkCupid dating site , recently disclosed in a blog post that the site manipulated its feeds by inflating the likelihood that any two people were a match , to encourage them to use the service more .

  19. 制造资源能力与制造工艺约束的匹配度研究

    Matching capability degree of manufacturing resource capability and manufacturing process constraint

  20. 结果表明,此量表具有较好的模式匹配度。

    The results show that this scale has good pattern matching .

  21. 基于匹配度的广度优先推理方法的应用研究

    Research and application of breadth-first reasoning method based on match degree

  22. 一种基于模糊加权均衡匹配度的区间值模糊推理方法

    Interval-valued Fuzzy Reasoning Approach Based on Fuzzy Weighted-Balanced Matching Degree

  23. 另外本系统在推理过程中主要选择了反向推理控制策略和按匹配度排序的冲突消解策略。

    Moreover , I choose reverse infers control strategy in the system .

  24. 基于概念匹配度模型的文献检索系统

    Document Retrieval System Based on the Model of the Conceptual Matching Degree

  25. 灵活度和性格匹配度:最后一条囊括了所有分类。

    Flexibility and Temperament : This last one encompasses all the categories .

  26. 基于小波变换的双匹配度图像融合算法

    Image Fusion Algorithm with Double-Match Degree Based on Wavelet Transformation

  27. 计算供求双方的服务描述间匹配度的算法的效能,即服务匹配算法的性能与效率问题。

    The performance and efficiency of the service matchmaking algorithm .

  28. 基于模糊数学的人力资源岗位匹配度研究

    Research on Fuzzy Mathematics for the Match Degree Between Human Resources and Posts

  29. 企业中人岗匹配度测算模型及其应用

    Research on the Measuring Models of Person-Post Matching and the Application in Enterprise

  30. 国际合资企业中的合作匹配度分析

    Analysis of Cooperative Compatibility in International Equity Joint Ventures