
  • 网络Pittsburgh;The University of Pittsburgh;University of Pittsburg;PITT
  1. 这项研究是由来自卡内基梅隆大学、匹兹堡大学和弗吉尼亚大学的人员完成的,研究经费由美国国家卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)提供。

    The researchers were based at Carnegie Mellon , the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia , and the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health .

  2. GeNIe是由匹兹堡大学决策系统实验室开发的辅助软件。

    GeNIe is supporting software developed by the University of Pittsburgh Decision Systems Laboratory .

  3. 她们会待在匹兹堡大学Katie的姐姐那

    Her friends are gonna be with Katie 's sister at Pitt .

  4. 几天后,他打电话给MedjetAssist,联系上了匹兹堡大学医学中心(UniversityofPittsburghMedicalCenter)的医生,他们认为他需要被送回美国。

    After a few days he placed a call to MedjetAssist , where he was connected to doctors at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who determined he needed to be brought home .

  5. 美国匹兹堡大学传播学讲师EricEnglish认为,有时只需花上几秒钟时间,便能通过故事与观众联系起来。

    Sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to connect an audience member with a story , according to Eric English , a communication lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh in the US .

  6. 他是匹兹堡大学医学院的医学教授及肺、变态反应、重症监护医学的科主任,MD。

    D. , professor of medicine and the chief of the division of pulmonary , allergy and critical care medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine .

  7. 该研究的领导作者是宾夕法尼亚匹兹堡大学的GrahamHatfull。

    The study 's lead author is Graham Hatfull at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania .

  8. 美国匹兹堡大学和美国疾病控制中心的科学家说,他们的疫苗让小鼠和鸡产生了相当程度的对H5N1病毒的免疫。

    The researchers , at the University of Pittsburgh and the US Centers for Disease Control , say their vaccines gave mice and chicken a reasonable degree of protection against H5N1 .

  9. 美国匹兹堡大学的AnnaBalazs说,我们知道如何将每件事设计到这个装置中。

    " We know how to make everything involved in this set up ," says Anna Balazs at Pittsburgh University in the US .

  10. 宾夕法尼亚匹兹堡大学的SabinaDeitrick是城市问题专家。

    Sabina Deitrick at the University of Pittsburgh , in Pennsylvania , is an expert on cities .

  11. 匹兹堡大学(UniversityofPittsburgh)理疗学副教授珍妮弗&12539;布拉克(JenniferBrach)说,强健臀部肌肉,这是保持平衡感的重要环节,这项运动可在厨房操作台边完成。

    Strengthening the hips an important component of preserving balance can be done next to the kitchen counter , says Jennifer Brach , an associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Pittsburgh .

  12. Hopkins的Getzenberg在匹兹堡大学工作时,其一位同事遗憾地认为缺少一种无创早期检测结肠癌方法,因此他决定寻求一种新筛查方法。

    Hopkins'Getzenberg decided to look for a new screening method when he was working at the University of Pittsburgh and a colleague bemoaned the lack of a noninvasive , early test for colon cancer .

  13. 肯斯勒(ThomasKensler)说,中国污染问题的最终解决办法掌握在决策者手中。肯斯勒是约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院和匹兹堡大学(UniversityofPittsburgh)的教授,也是本次试验的负责人。

    The ultimate answer [ to China 's pollution ] lies in Beijing with the policymakers , ' said Thomas Kensler , who holds professorships at John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health as well as the University of Pittsburgh and was the leader of the study .

  14. 匹兹堡大学的研究小组从来自皮肤的干细胞培养出MCPs,一种可以作为心血管组织驱动器的特殊细胞。

    The University of Pittsburgh team used stem cells made from skin to make MCPs , a special kind of cell that acts as a precursor to cardiovascular tissue .

  15. 方法432例患者来源于美国匹兹堡大学医疗中心的心血管事件基因危险性评价研究组,均有收缩功能障碍性心力衰竭〔射血分数(EF)<0.45〕。

    Methods 432 subjects with heart failure due to systolic dysfunction ( EF < 0.45 ) were enrolled between April 1996 and January 2001 in the GRACE study ( Genetic Risk Assessment of Cardiac Events ), a single center study at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center .

  16. 分析主要采用了匹兹堡大学QUASAR课题研究成果中的数学任务框架、任务分析指南、保持和降低高认知要求任务的因素等作为工具,并使用了录像带分析技术和语言交流的语义分析。

    Some tools were used to analyze the collected data : The Mathematics Tasks Framework , Guide For Tasks Analysis and Factors Associated With Maintenance And Decline Of High-level Cognitive Demands in QUASAR project , Pittsburgh University , some techniques of video-taped analysis and discourse semantic analysis .

  17. “许多医生不认为身体检查很有帮助”,文章作者,匹兹堡大学医学院主力教授、兰德政策分析师AteevMehrotra声称。

    " A lot of doctors don 't think physical exams are very helpful ," says the author , Ateev Mehrotra , assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and a policy analyst at Rand .

  18. 目前,研究人员宣称已经找到一种更快的方法来确诊抗药性肺结核,该研究的首席作者是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡大学的GrahamHatfull,他说,目前在农村和贫困地区进行的测试有时费时数周,那时病人可能已经死亡。

    Now , researchers say they have found a much faster way to identify drug-resistant TB . The study 's lead author is Graham Hatfull at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania . He says current tests can sometimes take weeks in rural and poor areas of the world . By that time , the patient may already be dead .

  19. 哲学:匹兹堡大学,美国

    Philosophy : University of Pittsburgh , US 36 .

  20. 研究人员来自匹兹堡大学和北卡罗莱纳大学。

    The researchers are at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina .

  21. 周六我们去匹兹堡大学找我姐参加女大学生联谊会

    Saturday we 're staying at my sister 's sorority at the University of Pittsburgh .

  22. 我不想上匹兹堡大学,我父亲想让我去哈佛。

    I can 't go to pitt ! My father wants me to go to howard .

  23. 迈克尔·林斯是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡大学医疗中心的大脑研究专家。

    Michael Collins is a brain researcher at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pennsylvania .

  24. 匹兹堡大学东亚图书馆的文献传递服务的调查分析

    A Survey on the Document Delivery Service in the East Asian Library of the University of Pittsburgh

  25. 另外,匹兹堡大学的教练会去那儿,他是我朋友。

    Besides , the coach of Pitt is gonna be there . he 's a buddy of mine .

  26. 今年6月,美国匹兹堡大学健康科学图书馆的期刊架开始腾空。

    In June the journal shelves at the Health Sciences Library of the University of Pittsburgh began showing holes .

  27. 对于在匹兹堡大学学习的那群成年妇女来说,这句话不无道理。

    That word has the ring of truth for a group of mature women at the university of Pittsburgh .

  28. 匹兹堡大学的研究人员查看了2009年申请医疗保险的受益人。

    The study from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh looked at prescription-drug claims from Medicare beneficiaries in 2009 .

  29. 原告律师开始寻觅这本书的其他版本,最后在匹兹堡大学找到了;

    Lawyers for the plaintiffs searched for other copies of the book and found one at the University of Pittsburgh ;

  30. 迈克尔·查本,1963年5月24日生于美国华盛顿,1984年在匹兹堡大学获得英语专业学士学位。

    Michael Chabon was born May24,1963 in Washington , D.C.He earned his undergraduate degree in English at the University of Pittsburgh in1984 .