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ěr mù
  • information;ear and eye;knowledge;listen and see;one who spies for sb else;what one sees and hears;one who spies for sb. else
耳目 [ěr mù]
  • (1) [listen and see;ear and eye]∶耳朵与眼睛;耳闻目睹

  • 耳目之明,如是其狭也。--《荀子.君道》

  • 耳目之福非浅

  • 耳目灵光

  • (2) [one who spies for sb else]∶监视人或为别人收集情报者

  • 使者以从事为耳目。--《后汉书.朱浮传》

耳目[ěr mù]
  1. 内部审计被誉为整个公司的窗口和管理层的耳目。

    Internal audit is known as " the whole company window " and " management information " .

  2. 公司就像一棵爬满猴子的大树,向上看全是屁股,向下看全是笑脸,左右看全是耳目。

    The company climbs the large tree of full monkey like , looking up is the buttock completely , oversee is smiling face completely , the left and right sides looks is information completely .

  3. 用尽一切欺瞒和阻挠的手段来避开协约国委员会的耳目。

    Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the Allied commission .

  4. 做管理工作的人没有信息,就是耳目不灵,鼻子不通。

    If an administrator has no access to information , it 's as if he was purblind and hard of hearing and had a stuffed nose .

  5. 《西儒耳目资》中的u次为舌尖前高无音说质疑

    Query the version that " u ci " in Xi ru er Mu Zi is dental high vowel

  6. 他是备受争议的英国运动服饰公司SportsDirect创始人,尽管拥有夺人耳目的纽卡斯尔足球俱乐部,却仍试图保持低调不露锋芒。二十世纪七十年代,他曾在县级壁球赛事中表现活跃而后退为一名教练。

    The controversial Sports Direct founder , who tries to keep a low profile despite his very high-profile ownership of Newcastle United football club , was a squash coach in the 1970s after playing at county level himself .

  7. 2005年,热烈的RFID会展让人们耳目为之一新,把众多的注意力吸引到RFID魔瓶当中。

    In 2005 , " Hot " RFID conferences and exhibitions let people have a new and different view sight , the RFID " Magic Bottle " attracted more attentions .

  8. 霍尔德曼的工作人员都是他的耳目。

    Haldeman 's staff acted as an extension of Haldeman .

  9. 所有这些安排自然都瞒过了玛丽安的耳目。

    Marianne was of course kept in ignorance of all these arrangements .

  10. 我需要你留下做我耳目。

    You 're going to stay on as my ears .

  11. 避开众人耳目,谨慎地把你的前任带出去。

    Discreetly take your ex to one side away from prying eyes .

  12. 别忘了斯旺小姐我的耳目无处不在

    You forget Ms Swan . I have eyes everywhere .

  13. 有事在暗中发生,躲过我们的耳目。

    Something moves in the shadows unseen , hidden from our sight .

  14. 而詹娜在玫瑰镇高中又多了个耳目了

    And Jenna gets a new seeing eye dog at Rosewood High .

  15. 他们是我遍布这座城市的耳目

    My eyes and ears , all over the city .

  16. 想躲过格雷森一家的耳目绝非易事

    Getting past the Graysons won 't be easy .

  17. 新闻摄影具有新闻战线特殊兵种的独特优势,是新闻报道的重要一翼,是形象化的时代科学和纪实性的时代艺术,是党、国家和人民的耳目与喉舌。

    Photojournalism has its unique advantage and is an important part of reportage .

  18. 就连我在兄弟会的耳目都找不出任何线索

    Even my contacts in the Bratva can 't dig up a lead .

  19. 神令帮耳目遍布全中国。

    The shay-ling have spies all over china .

  20. 瑞金娜不是唯一在镇里有耳目的人

    Maybe Regina 's not the only one with eyes and ears in this town

  21. 我们就是你的耳目。

    We will be your eyes and ears .

  22. 除非避开众人耳目在他房间里谈,否则他不肯把这件事告诉我。

    He refused to tell it to me except in the intimacyof his room .

  23. 除非避开众人耳目在他房间里谈,否则他不肯把这件事告诉我

    He refused to tell it to me except in the intimacy of his room .

  24. 并且,怎么能说这只“潜水艇”的建造竟可以逃避公众的耳目呢?

    Besides , how could the assembly of this underwater boat have escaped public notice ?

  25. 即使在这里也有赛隆的耳目让斯巴达满城风雨。

    Even here , Theron has eyes and ears which fuel Sparta with doubt and fear .

  26. 担子菌类真菌一科属于银耳目,具有纵向分裂的孢子台。

    A family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally .

  27. 特弗斯先生是我安排在你组织中的耳目。我们给你了一辆豪车。

    Mr. Travers is my eyes and ears inside your operation.We gave you a marvelous car .

  28. 我是你们的耳目,近来风声很紧。

    I am the eyes and ears of your world . there 's too much heat .

  29. 墓草严重将超越悲痛,将你的耳目,我的老父亲。

    Grave grass will grow over the graveyard and will deaden your grief , my old father .

  30. 这种态度反驳了那些持续侵袭我们耳目的商业广告。

    That type of attitude runs counter to the commercial messages that continually bombard our eyes and ears .