
yīn yáng piān shèng
  • Excess of yin and yang;yin or yang excess
阴阳偏盛[yīn yáng piān shèng]
  1. 本章从人们所熟知的脉法理论依据开始介绍,探讨了阴阳偏盛、五行生克的思维方式对辨脉实践的意义,并指出了辨脉的首要目的就是找出残贼之脉。

    This chapter begins with the well-known theoretical foundation of pulse method , Yin-Yang overwhelming and five-element cross-affecting on the vein identifying practice . It notes that the primary purpose of identifying veins is to find out the thief and residual pulse .

  2. 阴阳平衡代表着健康,阴阳的偏盛意味着疾病。

    Balanced Yin and Yang means health whereas an excess or deficiency of one or the other usually indicates disease .