
yīn sǔn jí yáng
  • yin deficiency affecting yang
阴损及阳[yīn sǔn jí yáng]
  1. 病之初期以肝肾阴虚为主;病变中期阴伤及气,临床多表现为气阴两虚之证;病变后期阴损及阳,脾肾虚衰。

    Liver and kidney disease dominated the early days ; lesion mid-yin hurt gas , the clinical performance of Qi and Yin Deficiency of the card number ; lesion late sinister and Yang , spleen and kidney deficiency decline .

  2. 而实主要是湿浊瘀血贯穿疾病始终。消渴日久,伤阴耗气,阴损及阳,脾肾俱虚,血脉瘀阻,水湿潴留,浊毒内停为本病之基本病理过程。

    The basic pathologic process is injury of yin and qi , then extent that yang-qi is involved , deficiency in spleen and kidney , obstruction of blood stasis , retention of dampness , stagnation of toxic turbid in human body .