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  1. 取法天地本乎阴阳道在于一&试论武术运动的身法学说与中医肾学说的统一性

    On the Congruency of the Theory of Body Position in Wushu and the Theory of Kidney in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  2. 传统性别模式的阴阳之道

    The Way of yin and yang in the Traditional Gender Model

  3. 崇德广业,辉光日新:阴阳之道对现代美学的启示。

    Sixth , Dao of yin-yang , its inspiration for contemporary aesthetics .

  4. 它非常像中国的阴阳思想,道的标志。

    It exactly resembles with the Chinese thought of Yin Yang the symbol of Tao .

  5. 对人文精神的追球体现在天下大同、和而不同、阴阳演化、圆道无极。

    The pursuit of humanistic spirit is reflected in the unity and the differences of the world , the evolution of Yin and Yang .

  6. 《太平经》以阴阳五行学说作为道教思想的哲学基础,在立足阴阳之道阐述其神学宗教教理的同时,涉及了颇为丰富的妇女思想内容。

    Taiping Scriptures takes the theory on Yin and Yang as the philosophic base of Taoism , and expounds the theology and religious doctrine with it , implying lots of brilliant thoughts on woman rights .