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fú lù shòu
  • Fu Lu Shou;happiness, position and longevity
  1. 福禄寿喜图形表达了中国民众特殊的思想意识和精神寄托。

    Fortune in graphics express Chinese people 's special ideology and spirit .

  2. 当然,有些人家摆放福禄寿三星,增添吉祥之气。

    Of course , some other peoples put SamSung of blessing salary birthday , add lucky energy of life .

  3. 民间歌舞庆祝戏内容与迎神赛社活动中迎请福禄寿神仪式有关。

    The content of song and dance operas among popular folk are related to rites of welcoming gods of felicity and longevity .

  4. 中国河北省的天子大酒店是一系列刻画了“福禄寿”形象的有趣建筑,“福、禄、寿”分别象征着中国掌管降幅施祥、功名利禄以及寿命的神明。

    Number 4 : The Tianzi Hotel , in China 's Hebei province , is a series of colorful building depicts Fu , Lu , and Shou , the Chinese gods of good fortune , prosperity , and longevity .