
  1. 北京奥运会吉祥物是五个可爱的福娃。

    The official mascots of the Beijing Olympic Games are five adorable fuwa .

  2. 福娃可能是历史上最有意义的奥运吉祥物。

    Fuwa are probably the most meaningful Olympic mascots in the history .

  3. 这些惟妙惟肖的面塑福娃出自一个13岁的中国男孩之手。

    These Fuwa dough figurines are made by a13-year-old boy .

  4. 奥运吉祥物由五福娃组成,您有了吗?

    Toe Olympic Mascot is of5 Fuwa , have you got any ?

  5. 请就我最喜欢的福娃简述理由。

    Please give a statement of My favorite Fuwa .

  6. 我爱北京,我爱福娃。

    I love Beijing , I love Fuwa .

  7. 北京选择了福娃作为奥运吉祥物。

    Beijing chooses five friendlies as Olympic mascots .

  8. 这些印有福娃的邮票非常有纪念意义。

    The stamps printed with Fuwa are commemorative .

  9. 福娃的颜色是什么?

    What the colours of the five hues ?

  10. 同时,课前学生按照自己喜爱的福娃分组,并一起编排小组介绍。

    The students are allowed to prepare for their group introductions together before the class .

  11. 我们是奥运小福娃。

    We are little Olympic Mascots .

  12. 但是,在中国的农村却只有少数人知道福娃或是2008奥运会。

    However , in the countryside of china , few people know about the friendlies and2008 Olympics .

  13. 在这五个福娃当中,我最喜欢叫做“晶晶”的福娃。

    Among the five Fuwa , in this , my favorite is called " Jingjing " and Fuwa .

  14. 不过说真的,中央电视台就要播放福娃卡通系列片了,谁还要什么国庆安排啦!

    But really , who needs big plans when CCTV will begin airing the new Fuwa cartoon series .

  15. 如果你对福娃感兴趣的话,请下载下面的附件,那里有更多的信息。

    If you are very interested in this , please download the attachment , more information is it .

  16. 纪念章正面为五个福娃组合在一起,向世界发出热情的邀请“北京欢迎你”。

    On the front , the5 mascots stand together and issue their warm welcome by saying " Beijing welcomes you " .

  17. 社区里,城市里,全国上下,世界各地,都装点在奥运中&福娃,中国印等等。

    The community , the city , the country , the world are decorated with Olympics & FuWa , China Seal , etc.

  18. 欢欢是火之子,站在五个福娃的中间,集中体现了奥林匹克精神。

    Huanghuang is a child of fire and stands in the center of Friendlies as the core embodiment of the Olympic spirit .

  19. 福娃贝贝带给你的祝福是繁荣,她是一条小鱼,代表着江河湖海,象征着繁荣与昌盛。

    Beibei is a little lovely fish representing the rivers , lakes and sea of China , and carrying the blessing of prosperity .

  20. 福娃登场举国狂欢北京奥运会吉祥物有望带来25亿元经济收益

    Lucky baby appeared , and the whole China reveled The Beijing Olympic Games mascot figure was expected hopefully to bring 2.5 billion Yuan economic gain

  21. 五福娃的颜色也是奥运五环的颜色,他们代表着海洋、森林、火、土地、空气。

    Colored in the five hues of the Olympic rings , they also represent the sea , the forest , fire , earth and air .

  22. 近几年来市场销量较好的作品主要有《虹猫蓝兔七侠传》、《福娃奥运漫游记》等。

    In recent years the market works better sales are ," Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit Seven Chivalrous Biography "," Fuwa Olympic roaming mind ," and so on .

  23. 外国女孩:我要找到我的网友,也顺便领教领教五个福娃。(外国女孩下场)

    The foreign girl : I will find my net friend , and visit the five Olympic Mascots by the way . ( The foreign girl goes off the stage . )

  24. 福娃向世界各地的人民传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和人与自然和谐相处的美好愿望。

    They carry a message of friendship , peace , the positive enterprising spirits and the desire of the person and the nature harmoniously together to people all over the world .

  25. 尽管福娃的含义很丰富,外国人理解起来也有些难度,但它是中国光辉文化的特色所在,中国也藉此向世界发出邀请&北京欢迎你!

    Although Fuwa 's meanings are various and hard for foreigners to understand , it is the feature of splendid Chinese culture and they give the information to the world & Welcome to Beijing !

  26. 奥运福娃比较受大家的欢迎,因为我会面塑,了解一点技术,所以我想用我自己的方式表达一下对奥运会的支持。

    Lots of people like Fuwa because they are the symbols for the Beijing Games . I know how to make dough figurines and I want to show my support by making the five Fuwa .