
  • 网络Valley Forge
  1. 在宾夕法尼亚的福吉谷看《狂牛》。

    Valley Forge , Pennsylvania , Raging Bull .

  2. 也正是在福吉谷,这支弱小的美国军队变成了真正的士兵。

    It was also at Valley Forge that the men of this small army learned to be real soldiers .

  3. 这是翻修过的建筑在华盛顿和他的家人在他的军队在福吉谷时居住。

    This is the renovated building where Washington and his family lived during his army 's time at Valley Forge .

  4. 这是华盛顿的教堂,是早期20世纪的教堂,关于私有财产范围内福吉谷国家历史公园的边界。

    This is Washington Chapel , an early-20th century church that is on private property within the boundaries of Valley Forge National Historic Park .

  5. 这是美国宾夕法尼亚州的列,在福吉谷国家历史公园,纪念谁是来自宾夕法尼亚州驻扎在那里的1777年严冬的士兵。

    These are the Pennsylvania Columns , at Valley Forge National Historic Park , which commemorate soldiers from Pennsylvania who were encamped there during the harsh winter of1777 .