
kǎi mó
  • model;role model;good example;pattern;triumph;exemple
楷模 [kǎi mó]
  • [model;exemple;pattern] 值得学习的人或事物;榜样

  • 故北中郎将卢植,名著海内,学为儒宗,士之楷模,国之桢干。--《后汉书.卢植传》

  • 以雷锋为楷模教育学生

楷模[kǎi mó]
  1. 为表彰其为贫困家庭女孩教育所做的贡献,云南省丽江市华坪女子高级中学校长张桂梅日前被授予“时代楷模”称号。

    Zhang Guimei , the principal of Huaping High School for Girls , based in Lijiang city , Southwest China 's Yunnan province , has been granted the title " Role Model of the Times " in recognition of her dedication to the education for girls from poor families .

  2. 在某种程度上,华为(Huawei)堪称中国企业的楷模。

    In a way , Huawei is a role model for Chinese companies .

  3. 她的行为堪作楷模。

    Her behaviour was exemplary .

  4. 英国十大青少年楷模中有一半都是黑人。

    Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black .

  5. 玛丽总是以自己的母亲为楷模。

    Mary has always modelled herself on her mother .

  6. 劳动模范是民族的精英、人民的楷模,是共和国的功臣。

    Model workers are elites of the Chinese nation , role models for the people and heroes of the republic .

  7. 另一种选项是只有一家机构,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)便是如此。该机构已成为主权基金中最佳行为的楷模。

    The alternative is to have a single agency , as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority , currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds .

  8. 全球CEO的楷模JackWelch就是借助一系列的企业变革过程,塑造了通用电气这个现代的巨人。

    Jack Welch , the model of the world CEO , molded the modern giant-General Motors with the help of a series of enterprise change .

  9. 匹兹堡是向21世纪经济过渡的楷模。匹兹堡还提醒我们,我们未来繁荣的关键不仅在于纽约(NewYork),不仅在于洛杉矶(LosAngeles)和华盛顿(Washington),而且也离不开匹兹堡这样的城市。

    It serves as a model for turning the page to a 21st century economy , and a reminder that the key to our future prosperity lies not just in New York or Los Angeles or Washington -- but in places like Pittsburgh .

  10. 这一灵感既来源于他们的文化,也来源于新加坡主权财富基金、东方治理实践的楷模淡马锡(temasek)。

    The inspiration comes both from the culture and from Temasek , the sovereign wealth fund from Singapore and the gold standard of governance in the East .

  11. 爱马仕(Hermes)和蒂凡尼(Tiffany)则是业内严守产品高贵血统这一黄金准则的楷模,它们用高利润来填补销量的不足。

    Hermes and Tiffany 's are typically seen as the gold standard in maintaining brand purity -- compensating for small sales volume with really , really high margins .

  12. TechCrunch流量飞速上升,一些人物杂志也开始探讨像迈克尔•阿灵顿这样喜怒无常的人是否能成为道德的楷模?

    Traffic soon jumped , which brought the magazine profiles wondering whether someone as unpredictably temperamental as Michael Arrington could be a force for good .

  13. Roper建议,一方面这些国家应该得到属于它们的援助和技术支援的份额,同时它们也通过削减自己的排放来树立发展楷模作用。

    While these nations need their fair share of aid and technical assistance , they should also take the lead by cutting down on their own emissions , Roper suggests .

  14. 他们堪称为医生高尚职业精神的杰出楷模。

    They showed us excellent examples of the high professional spirit .

  15. 上帝就是我们的楷模的爱。

    God is our role model for this type of love .

  16. 科教界应当成为执行标准的楷模

    Scientific and Educational Circles Should Be a Model of Implementing Standards

  17. 今晚在场的每位运动员们,你们是真正的楷模。

    To the athletes tonight : You were true role models .

  18. 他以父亲作为楷模。

    He looked up to his father as a role model .

  19. 寻找韧性的楷模,研究他们的经历。

    Search for models of resilience and study what they did .

  20. 不愿偏离最为尊敬的权力的楷模,

    Unwilling to depart from examples of the most revered authority ,

  21. 政治人物应该要为人楷模而不是满口脏话。

    Politicians are supposed to be role models not potty mouths .

  22. 我们以堪称楷模的坦率开始了我们两国的关系。

    Relations between our nations have been begun with exemplary frankness .

  23. 成功的推销员,变成人们楷模的对向。

    And they feature as their role models really great salesmen .

  24. 德里克·罗斯是敬业的楷模和典范。

    Derrick Rose is an example of hard work and dedication .

  25. 埃德加·斯诺是新闻记者的楷模,给新闻记者树立了一个良好的榜样。

    Edgar Snow is a good model to our journalists .

  26. 他也为有责任心的科学家们树立了楷模。

    And he sets an example of the concerned scientist .

  27. 是美国所有年轻女性的楷模特别是年轻黑人女性

    a role model for young women in America especially little black girls

  28. 幸运的是,戴尔公司已经拥有像迈克尔•戴尔和佛里斯特•诺罗德这样的楷模。

    Luckily the company has role models like Michael Dell .

  29. 你们堪称是幸福伴侣的楷模。

    You 're a perfect example of a happy couple .

  30. 他的著述给我们留下了杰出、高尚的楷模让我们效仿。

    His writings set fine and noble examples for us to follow .
