
  1. 大客车对行人碰撞事故再现研究

    A Research on Accident Reconstruction of Bus-Pedestrian Collision

  2. 人行悬索桥由于行人激励而产生的振动并不会引发桥梁的整体破坏,然而若是控制不当,会出现由于振动响应过大而使行人产生生理以及心理不舒适感觉的情况。

    The vibration from the walking of the people on the pedestrian suspension bridge will not lead to destruction of the bridge as a whole , but if it is not carefully controlled , the vibration will be so intense that the pedestrians will have uncomfortable physiological and psychological feelings .

  3. 有些比较大路口会有行人信号灯。

    Most big crossroads have traffic lights .

  4. 秉承着在第一时间向读者介绍优秀酒店的原则,《大酒店》一行人来到了富豪金丰酒店。

    Adhering to out principle of introducing excellent hotels to our readers ," Grand Hotels " came to take a close look at Regal Jinfeng Hotel .

  5. 轨道大巷作为运输行人的主要通道之一,累积了大量粉尘,当运输设备通过巷道时极易带起粉尘形成二次扬尘污染。

    Rail lane of the main channel as one of the transportation accumulates amount of dust which will become dust formation with a second float in the air when transportation equipment through the roadway .