
  • 网络sweating
  1. 但他自己却满头大汗。

    But he was sweating profusely .

  2. 通常一年中这个时候,方应该在田地里满头大汗的。

    Usually at this time of the year , Fang should be sweating in the fields .

  3. 他又高又瘦,满头黑发。

    He was tall and thin , with dark hair .

  4. 他们的孩子是那些长着满头金发的。

    Theirs are the children with very fair hair .

  5. 她满头鬈发。

    Her hair was a mass of curls .

  6. 他满头大汗。

    His face was drenched with sweat .

  7. 他已满头银丝。

    He 's gone very grey .

  8. 他满头浓密的白发。

    He had a great mane of white hair .

  9. 他以前常用一顶棒球帽裹住满头金发。

    He used to hide his blonde hair underneath a baseball cap .

  10. 接见我的是位长挑身材,袅娜轻盈、神采奕奕的老太太,七十多岁的年纪,满头白发,依然清秀漂亮。

    I was received by a tall , lithe , vibrant woman in her70 's , white-haired , and still beautiful .

  11. B:为了保持飞行员凉爽。不信的话,只要停止螺旋桨转动看看飞行员会不会满头大汗。

    B : " To keep the pilot cool . If you don 't think so , just stop it and watch him sweat ! "

  12. 累得满头大汗的父子俩跑过来请造父帮他们推车。

    The sweating father and son went to ask for Zhao Fu 's help to push the cart .

  13. 好了,以上就是我这个满头银发的老头儿给你们的充满睿智的忠告。

    Well , that 's about all of the sagely advice this old grey head can come up with .

  14. 有些假装度假的人会拍个假装度假的自拍照,然后发到社交媒体上,有些甚至会在身上涂美黑霜或者满头编上小辫。

    Some take a selfie that looks like they 're on holiday and post it on social media , some go so far as applying tanning lotions and getting their hair tiny-braided .

  15. 上个月,在一架从香港飞往新加坡的国泰航空(CathayPacific)航班上,一位满头大汗的中国内地乘客一路不停地打喷嚏、喘粗气。

    On a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Singapore last month , a perspiring passenger from mainland China sneezed and wheezed nonstop .

  16. 不过,他渴望来中国执教可能更多是因为有报道称,目前正效力于中国足球的那些满头银发的外国教练(如里皮(MarcelloLippi))和运动员(如德罗巴(DidierDrogba))拿到了天价薪资。

    But his desire to come to China likely has more to do with the reportedly massive salaries graying coaches and players , like Marcelo Lipi and Didier Drogba , are commanding in the country .

  17. 她的满头黑发是从她母亲那里已传过来的。

    Eg : She inherits her black hair from her mother .

  18. 你们已经满头疼痛,全心发昏。

    Your whole head is injured , your whole heart afflicted .

  19. 他们最终可能变成金发,然后再变成满头白发。

    Redheads may eventually turn blondish , and then pure white .

  20. 一位文雅、肥胖、满头铁灰色头发的中年绅士;

    A fine , portly , middle-aged gentleman with iron-gray hair ;

  21. 首先,在那之前我满头黑发

    First of all , I had black hair before that .

  22. 我和一个满头黑发的年轻人说话。

    I talked to the young man with the dark hair .

  23. 你应该去问问那个满头卷发的护士。

    You should talk to that nurse with the curly hair .

  24. 数十个,上百,也许还要更多,那些老伙计们头已经光秃,而满头浓发

    Dozens , a hundred , more , older fellows bald & rich

  25. 我们忙得满头大汗时你在整天看书。

    You look at scrolls all day while we sweat .

  26. 小栓已经吃完饭,吃得满头流汗,头上都冒出蒸气来。

    The little Hua had finished the rice and went out sweating .

  27. 吹完泡泡,她又去跳蹦蹦床,直到跳得满头大汗,才肯下来。

    She also had fun jumping up and down on the trampoline .

  28. 他把满头卷发的脑袋探出窗外。

    He put his curly head out of the window .

  29. 震撼着我的白发满头!

    That shakes the blossoms of my hoary hair ! '

  30. 因为他满头红法,所以绰号叫“红萝卜”。

    His nickname is " Carrot " because he has red hair .