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  • 网络houseful;Full House
  1. 我去那边拍摄浪漫满屋之后就一直很对那里印象深刻。

    I went there to film Full House and still impress with it until now .

  2. 前一段时间非常看喜欢电视剧《浪漫满屋》,一部看了就想再看的感情戏,真的蛮好的。

    Some time ago to see very much like drama " Full House " and wanted to see a reading of the feelings of the show , the really fine .

  3. 满屋的记者向他们接二连三地提问题。

    The room was full of journalists , all firing questions at them .

  4. 他带着她满屋跳华尔兹舞。

    He waltzed her around the room .

  5. 所有灯条都打开了,满屋都是旋转的光柱。

    All the light bars were turned on which filled the room with these rotating beams of light

  6. 孩子们把玩具扔得满屋都是。

    The children had left their toys lying about the room .

  7. "这太过分了,斯科特!"他喊道,彩纸掉得满屋都是。

    " This is just too much , Scott ! " he cried , as the colored paper was falling all over the room .

  8. Max现在满屋乱跑Emme就…他俩喜欢音乐吗唱歌吗

    Max is , you know , all over the place and Emme 's just ... Are they musical ? Do they sing ?

  9. 你家的圣诞装饰球、金属箔、你挂满屋的闪闪发亮的LED灯,它们十有八九是从义乌来的。义乌在上海以南300公里,那里既没有真正的松树,也看不到天然雪花。

    The likelihood is that most of those baubles , tinsel and flashing LED lights you 've draped liberally around your house came from Yiwu , 300km south of Shanghai - where there 's not a ( real ) pine tree nor ( natural ) snowflake in sight 。

  10. 咳,是闹鬼满屋是妖魔鬼怪!

    Well , it is & swarming with ghosts and goblins !

  11. 外面满屋的人都在等你。

    There 's a full house out there waiting for you .

  12. 我把随身听的广告丢的满屋都是

    I had been leaving that ad all over the house ,

  13. 这是一间阴暗的房间&木地板,满屋灰尘,床铺很硬。

    It was a dingy affair & wooden , dusty , hard .

  14. 满屋的嫁妆犹如满床荆棘。

    A great dowry is a Bed full of Brambles .

  15. 有一个不是满屋狼籍的房子。

    Have a house that 's not replete with filth .

  16. 我们回到家里看到东西扔得满屋都是。

    We came home to find our belongings scattered about the room .

  17. 满屋都是烟&连他身上都是烟味。

    Smoke filled the room – even his clothes smelled of smoke .

  18. 那孩子突然发起牛脾气来,把玩具撒得满屋都是。

    The child flew into a rage and began scattering its toys about .

  19. 她逗得小孩满屋蹦蹦跳跳。

    She danced the little child round the room .

  20. 我满屋找我的钱包。

    I ransacked the house looking for my purse .

  21. 家有香草浪漫满屋

    A Basket of Vanilla , A Houseful of Romance

  22. 你的玩具满屋乱放,请把它们放回原处。

    Your toys are scattered over the room . Please put them away .

  23. 愿上天赐予你良好的健康、财富以及幸福满屋!

    God Bless you all with Good Health , Wealth and Lots of Happiness .

  24. 满屋都是烟味。

    The cigarettes stink the whole room out .

  25. 他的东西丢得满屋都是。

    His stuff is all over the house .

  26. 他们的目光相遇在满屋的人群中。

    Their eyes met across a crowded room .

  27. 壁炉使得满屋生暖。

    The stove makes the room warm .

  28. 他穿着衬衣站在那里,打量着满屋的箱子。

    He stood there in his shirtsleeves , surveying the boxes that filled the room .

  29. 《满屋的玫瑰》是1950年代有关人际关系的戏剧的一个典范。

    A roomful of roses is a fine example of a1950s play about personal relationships .

  30. 他带着她满屋跳华尔兹舞。

    He waltzed her round the room .