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lǐng bān
  • foreman;head waiter;boss;gaffer;matre d';head of a shift
领班 [lǐng bān]
  • [foreman;gaffer;head of a shift] 班组的负责人

  • 以后这种事都去问你们的领班

领班[lǐng bān]
  1. 赛斯采用了领班的名字Bing来命名这种新的樱桃,将其称作“冰”樱桃。

    Seth named the new variety the Bing cherry , after his foreman .

  2. 一伙工人正跟着他们的领班在拉特兰-伯灵顿铁路的新线路上干活。这位领班名叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,二十五岁,他精力充沛,待人和气。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P. Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  3. 行李员领班扣留了所有人的小费。

    The Head Porter was keeping all the tips .

  4. 小镇上最无所不知的人就是当地酒吧里的服务员领班。

    The repository of all important knowledge in a small town was the chief barman of the local pub .

  5. 话说有个领班,叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,25岁,人精神抖擞讨大伙喜欢,一帮男人正跟着他在拉特兰到伯灵顿的新增铁路线上干活。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P.Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  6. 最后升井的是领班LuisUrzua。

    The last miner up was Luis Urzua .

  7. 他的门房领班安娜拉贝尔(annaraber)今年29岁,能说英语、法语、德语和西班牙语。

    His head concierge , Anna Raber , 29 , speaks English , French , German and Spanish .

  8. 有一次,当Johnson穿过餐馆门口,她往往需要试几张餐桌,寻找感觉正确的那张,让在旁边沮丧的领班观看。

    Johnson gets past the door , she often needs to try out a few tables , looking for one that feels right , as a frustrated ma î tre d'h ô tel looks on .

  9. 与此同时,在协和广场(PlacedelaConcorde)边角上,临时搭建了一幢七层办公楼,建筑设计师、工程师以及领班济济一堂,克利翁酒店(HoteldeCrillon)的改扩建规模可见一斑。

    Meanwhile , on the corner of Place de la Concorde , a seven-storey temporary office block housing architects , engineers and foremen provides just one clue as to the scale of renovation taking place at the H ô tel de Crillon .

  10. 《滚石》杂志将Diplo形容为“潮流缔造者的领班”,是“电子乐的守护者”。而这位DJ不仅才华横溢,而且机敏帅气,个人爱好也涉猎广泛。

    Described by Rolling Stone magazine as the " tastemaker 's tastemaker " and " the ultimate sonic curator , " Diplo is talented , savvy and good-looking , with unusually diversified skills and interests .

  11. LuisUrzua是井下矿工的领班,他坚持最后一个升井。周三晚上晚些时候,救援工作开始不到24小时之后,他作为第33名矿工,乘坐救生舱回到地面。

    Luis Urzua , he was the shift boss and he insisted that everyone else go out before him . Late Wednesday night a little less than 24 hours after the rescue started , he was the 33rd and final miner to arrive that rescue capsule upto safety .

  12. 甚至领班或第一线的监督人员也有任用的责任。

    Even the foremen or first-level supervisors have a staffing responsibility .

  13. 我们的领班不给我茶休的时间。

    Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn 't give us a tea break .

  14. 按领班的要求协助部门其他的技术员工作。

    Assists other Tradespersons or technicians when requested by team leader .

  15. 行李领班认真核对行李搬运纪录。

    The bellboy captain must check the baggage transport the record .

  16. 引导顾客就座的人叫服务员领班。

    The person who seats the guests is called a captain .

  17. 哦,皮特说,你知道领班是什么样的人。

    Oh , Peter said , you know how foreman are .

  18. 你并没有去检查安全领班!

    You don 't go around decking the head of security !

  19. 完成生产领班和工程师安排的其他工作。

    Finish the work assigned by production shift supervisor and engineer .

  20. 这个花匠领班细心养护着这些树苗。

    These young trees were carefully nursed by the head gardener .

  21. 由一名老艺人作领班,到各地流动演出。

    Led by experienced artists , they organized travelling groups of performers .

  22. 领班就瞧见他的破裤子和旧脏鞋。

    The head waiter saw his worn-out trousers and dirty old shoes .

  23. 但是我知道车库领班在45岁成为冠军。

    But I know George Foreman became champion at age45 .

  24. 我们可以将它存放在领班的柜台里。

    We can store it at the bell captain counter .

  25. 她如女王般统领班上其他同学。

    She queens it over all the other children in the class .

  26. 在工厂,车间领班的工作很重要。

    Workshop foreman is a key position in this factory .

  27. 领班行动起来象指挥野战部队的将军。

    The boss operated like a general in charge of field forces .

  28. 最后有一个人建议找领班侍者。

    Finally one made a motion to call the headwaiter .

  29. 副领班把新来的工人培训为机器操作工。

    The assistant foreman broke in the new man as machine operator .

  30. 具有领班以上团队管理经验者优先;

    Experience in team leader above foreman will be preferable ;