
  • 网络territoriality;territory
  1. 本文从城市的领域性和空间性探讨香港交通发展的政治地理内涵。

    This paper attempts to analyse the various phases of transportation development in Hong Kong from the perspective of territoriality and spatiality .

  2. 通过对缘空间的概念的研究,提出其存在的模糊性、多样性、整体性、领域性、渗透性以及可识别性等共性及其塑造特点;

    With a study to the concept of Gray Space , this paper figured out its general characters and features such as fuzziness , diversity , integrity , territoriality , permeability and identifiability .

  3. 在它们测试自己作为潜在领域性雄性的同时,它们也在展示感到安全的舒适感。

    As they test their skills as potential territorial males , they are displaying a comfort with being safe .

  4. 其次,讨论了投资效率的形式特征。指出投资效率标准的多样性、投资效率实现过程的跨部门和跨领域性以及投资效率的外部性是投资效率的最根本特征。

    Second , the writer discusses the features of investment efficiency which the writer points out are the diversity of investment efficiency criterion , the multi-department and multi-field and the externality of investment efficiency .

  5. 在这部分实验中因为所用语料短小、领域性非常强、口语化比较严重,通用的分词软件不能很好的进行分词。

    In this part of the experiment because of the Corpus is short , the field background is very strong , colloquial more serious , common segmentation software can not do this job well .

  6. 对杀菌技术的领域性分析发现,低酸性、高水分活度、长架寿固体食品的杀菌缺少一种杀菌品质明显优于传统杀菌釜杀菌技术的先进杀菌技术。

    With investigating on general scope of sterilization technologies , it was found that there was not any sterilization technology that has obvious advantages of products quality over traditional retort sterilization technology being applied to solid food with low acid , high water activity and long shelf life .

  7. 从智能决策支持系统(IDSS)的问题处理方式和空调冷热源设计过程的特点出发,论述了IDSS的领域适用性。

    Starting from the way to solve problems of IDSS and the characteristics of air conditioning cold / heat source design , discusses the applicability of IDSS in HVAC field .

  8. 这种超级课件通过一个自行设计实现的超文本解释器,实现了领域独立性,它实际上是一个超级课件写作工具。

    Actually , it is a powerful super courseware authorware tools .

  9. 论后皮亚杰时代的领域特殊性及其教育启示

    On Domain - specificity of Post Piagetian Era & Its Revelation

  10. 中国经济领域制度性寻租行为剖析

    Analysis of Institutional Rent-seeking Activities in China 's Economic Fields

  11. 基于模型诊断具有普遍性和领域独立性。

    Model-based diagnosis claims to be generic and domain independent .

  12. 建设领域技术性贸易保护措施研究

    The Study on Technical Barriers to Trade of Construction Field

  13. 农村金融领域系统性负投资与民间金融规范化模式

    Systematic Negative Investment in Rural Finance and the Pattern of Non-governmental Finance Regularization

  14. 领域变化性分类与控制机制研究

    Study on Classification and Control Mechanism of Domain Variability

  15. 工作记忆容量领域普遍性的争议

    Argument on the domain generality of working memory capacity

  16. 本研究支持心理理论发展的领域特殊性观点。

    The viewpoint that the theory-of-mind development was domain-specific , was supported by the research .

  17. 两国在互联网领域互补性很强,有很多共同利益。

    We are complementary to one another and share many common interests concerning the Internet .

  18. 由于这个新的领域技术性太强,所以内行人很少。

    Because the new field was so technical there were very few who knew the ropes .

  19. 近年来,越来越多的研究表明,创造性的绩效表现是具有领域特殊性的。

    In recent years , a growing number of evidence suggests that creative performance is domain-specific .

  20. 从关注领域一般性到关注领域特殊性,是当代认知发展研究的一个重要发展方向。

    It becomes an important tendency in contemporary cognition development research from concerning domain-generality to concerning domain-specificity .

  21. 跨领域倾向性分析相对而言是一个全新的研究领域,对此目前的研究工作还比较少。

    Interdisciplinary sentiment analysis is a relatively full new research field ; the present research work is lesser .

  22. 结果表明领域依赖性较领域自我价值感更能有效预测青少年的社会适应;

    It indicates that the contingencies of self-worth predicted adolescent social adaptation more effectively than domain self-worth does .

  23. 本文提出了一个模型组合训练机制,用于建立特定领域名词性实体识别模型。

    In this paper , we present a combination training framework for building a domain-specific nominal entity recognition model .

  24. 首先,在文学批评领域,性的含义远远超出了自然及生理上的意义。

    Firstly , in literary criticism , the meaning carried by sexuality is far beyond its natural or physical meanings .

  25. 学业情绪具有领域特殊性,与学习动机、元认知、认知资源等有密切关系。

    Academic emotions have domain specificity , and also are related to academic motivation , meta-cognition , and cognitive resources .

  26. 而后者更强调成人与儿童认知的相似性和连续性,更强调发展的领域特殊性。

    The latter emphasizes the similarity and continuity of cognition of adults and children , and emphasize the specificity of developmental domain .

  27. “政府医疗机构补助受益分布案例研究”是“卫生领域公平性系列研究”的组成部分。

    Case study on benefit incidence analysis of government subsidy for medical facilities is a component of Equity Research in Health Areas .

  28. 直接驱动动车转向架的研究和开发是城轨车辆领域国际性前沿课题。

    The research and development of direct-drive motor car bogie are the forefront international issues in the field of urban rail vehicles .

  29. 《心理健康培训、教育及实践学刊》提出了心理健康服务领域关键性问题。

    It includes national and international features and articles highlighting service user involvement , as well as evidence in practice relating to new and advanced methods of working .

  30. 针对这种现状文章提出了基于结构模式识别理论的一种通用模式识别方法,该方法使用一系列结构检测子来提取信号特征,具有领域独立性。

    I propose the method of universal pattern recognition based on the structural pattern recognition theory . It employs a series of structure detectors to extract the signal features .